Your kids do not just get to enjoy the undivided attention of their teachers, they make new friends and learn independence wich they will need later on in life. Although these boarding schools in Vermont may be somewhat expensive, there are many financial aids and even independent scholarships that will help you ease the financial burden. World Scholarship Forum has got you covered. Here is the outline of all we will discuss.

Why Send Your Child To A Boarding School In Vermont?

Deciding whether to send your child to a boarding school is one of the toughest decisions parents face. If you are like most parents seeking an answer to this question in Vermont, we have some basic answers for you.

Rigorous academics

If you want schools that will stretch your ward intellectually, boarding school is a place to put them. Asides the normal classes during lecture time, there are prep times which all students must study. They also have to attend to the courses they would normally shy away from if they were inthe day school.

Lots of sports and Extracurricular Activities

Along with sports, there are lots of other clubs in which boarding students have mandated to join. A typical boarding school in Vermont has Wednesdays and Saturday afternoons dedicated to sports and other fun activities.

Constant Supervision

Actually, this is not a feature that young minds like a lot, but it is very essential for parents. You wouldn’t want the child you’ve invested time in training at home get unruly just because he is now away from home. This is one thing boarding schools are good at. They give security and close monitoring to the students under their care.

Encourages Tolerance, Cohabitation and Making New friends

Attending a boarding school in Vermont open studenst up to living with students from other cultural background and origin.They learn to embrace diversity, become more tolerable and even make life long friends. Furthermore, students develop self-reliance and confidence. It becomes easier to adapt when they go to colleges.

What Is The Cost Of Boarding Schools In Vermont?

Basically, the average tuition for private schools in Vermont is $21,560 per year. Then, for the private elementary school, expect to pay around $10,141 per year and the private high school average is $31,176 per year. Lastly, the school in our list and in Vermont with the highest tuition is Greenwood school. They have an average tuition of $83,000.

Is There Scholarships/Financial Aids Available for Boarding Schools in Vermont?

Basically, all the best boarding schools have scholarships for international students. But, these scholarships come to students in different varieties. Firstly, students who demonstrate need get the first category of scholarships from these best boarding schools in Vermont. The student will have to apply with supporting evidence before he can be granted this. Secondly, Merit scholarships are for students who demonstrate exceptional academic qualities and strengths. The students in most cases do not need to apply, the school gives it to the best students. Because of this, it is highly competitive. Thirdly, there are reductions in fees for some students who perform some duties. For instance, first-time students who take a tour around the school get a $100 reduction from their tuition. The United Christian Academy. This is done to encourage student participation and obedience. In the same vein, some schools in Vermont grant this scholarship to exceptional students in sports and extracurricular activities. Lastly, ther is a tutiton payment plan given for the installmental payment of fees. This is niot a scholarship per say but it eases the financial burden on parents as they can pay their wards fees most time thrice.

Are Boarding Schools In Vermont Open to International Students?

Of course, almost all the 10 best boarding schools in Vermont that we have listed accept international students. However, some of them like Burr & Burton and Thetford Academy have a specific number of international students they accept per year. Besides those, all others accept international students. Some even teach other languages like St. Johnsbury and have English courses for students with English as a second language (ESL) like Lyndon Institute.

10 Best Boarding Schools in Vermont for Boys &Girls | Rankings

Currently, there are many boarding schools in Vermont for young high school students, both boys and girls. To make it easy for you to make a choice, we have reduced the list to only 10. We will rank them using the parameters below.

Ranking Criteria

The ranking criteria for these Best Boarding Schools In Vermont For Boys & Girls are as follows; The schools with lower student to teacher ratio ranks higher than those with higher number of students enrolled. We rank schools that have the government authorization to function higher. Although the accreditation status of a school ensures that the school is authorized to function. Basically, all the listed school are accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC). Schools with only one set of gender will rank lower than those for both boys and girls. That is to say, high school students in Vermont are both males and females, so, the schools that will rank higher are boarding schools in Vermont for boys and girls. It is no longer news that private boarding schools in Vermont and in any part of the world are better than the public counterpart. Because of this, the private boarding schools in Vermont for boys and girls high school students will rank better. Now the list of the schools proper;

#1 The Putney School

The Putney School is the first on our list of best boarding schools in Vermont. It is the private boarding school in Vermont. With over 75 years in the business of educating young minds, Putney is on a mission to create active, critical thinkers and members of a democratic society. According to the school, our goal is not to merely convey information but to engage the students in the learning process so they become the makers of their own education. In essence, we raise students who are anti-racial, who think for themselves, invent, design, experiment, compose, write, build, and chase down new ideas. Furthermore, international students are welcome to apply. For instance, of 232 Putney students, about 40 come from outside the US.  In conclusion, the tuition is thus, Day: $38,900, Boarding: $66,100. Then, there are financial aids available to students. As 40% in the 2021/2022 session received financial aid.

#2 Stratton Mountain School

This is another school in our list of best boarding schools in Vermont with a class average of 10. Located at the base of Stratton Mountain, SMS is accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges and is a member of the National Association of Independent Schools. Because of its location, they are involved in a number of competitive sports like hiking and skating. She has over the years won lots of medals in the Olympics and beyond. Consequently, they balance high academic expectations with a rigorous schedule. This makes them learn to translate freedom and independence into responsibility and maturity they will need to face college and life beyond. Apparently, there are financial aids and additional scholarships for the student of Stratton. In addition, the tuition for full-term boarding is $59,000, and full-term day $46,000. Furthermore, international students make up to 8% of the entire student population at this best private boarding school in Vermont.

#3 St Johnsbury Academy

With an average class size of 12 and a student to faculty ratio of 8:1, Johnsbury is one of the best boarding schools in Vermont for high school students. There are students from over 25 countries that attend Johnsbury yearly. Students at St. Johnsbury Academy benefit from small classes, talented teachers, and so many academic opportunities. The number of courses offered is more than in many schools. In addition to teaching college-level engineering and five different languages plus a technical education department that is well equipped. With this students will be well-grounded before they enter college. However, it is a private independent, coeducational, boarding and day school for grades 9-12 and postgraduate year. Lastly, there is a new SJA Virtual Academy which you can enroll and learn from any part of the world. This boarding school in Vermont has many interesting features. In fact, it is one of my favorites.

#4 Rock Point school

Located in the city Burlington, Vermont, Rock Point school is another on our list of boarding schools in Vermont for boys and girls. Specifically, Rock Point School is a coeducational, independent boarding and day school for grades 9-12. With 4-10 students in a class, no student can hide in the back row. Classes are discussion-based and teachers create an environment where peers support one another to make meaningful contributions that move the learning forward. Lastly, if you want a school where your ward is taught in love and allowed to develop with lots of encouragement? Rock point is your school. Conclusively, they learn through community service, evening activities, sports, trips and summer campings.

#5 Vermont Academy

Located In Saxtons River, Vermont, Vermont Academy is a private boarding school in Vermont for high school students typically boys and girls. Again Vermont Academy believes that high school is a time to discover who you are, what your talents are, and where you’re headed, they have so many creative activities for students to enroll for. Ranging from the physics whiz who discovers a talent for graphic design, to the varsity basketball player who gets on stage for the 24-hour play festival, to the robotics team who plays drums in the jazz ensemble, every student at Vermont Academy has the opportunity to get involved in the creatives whatever his passion is. Therefore, our small community and classes, in addition to financial aid for students who are in need make it one of the best boarding schools in Vermont for your high school ward to attend.

#6 Burr & Burton Academy

Right here in Manchester, your high school ward who will attend Burr & Burton has the opportunity to learn from varied courses in academics, athletics, and the arts. These provide students of all abilities and backgrounds robust opportunities for growth and exploration. Basically, because of the small nature of the international program, only 70 international students are accepted yearly. You can enroll for one semester in one year or multiple times. In the same vein, you can also attend for two years to get a Burr’s diploma. Actually, Burr and Burton is an independent high school. One of the most important reasons we prefer this boarding school in Vermont is because of its unique system. To sum it up, education is available free of charge to high-school students who reside in the following sending towns: Manchester, Dorset, Danby, Dover, Londonderry, Landgrove, Mt. Tabor, Peru, Stratton, Sunderland, Wardsboro, Weston and Winhall. Meanwhile, students from other towns can apply but with paid tuition.

#7 United Christian Academy

United Christian Academy’s mission is to educate students by integrating academic excellence with a Christian worldview, equipping them to impact their world for Christ. Besides, UC Academy is an independent, non-denominational Christian school. Parents and students are not required to be Christians to attend the school but they must abide by the principles and mission of the school. Thus, we are located in the heart of Rancho Cucamonga, California. Beyond academics, we seek growth of the whole child: mental, spiritual, physical, and social. Our students range from elementary to junior high school and high school.
Asides from spirituality and academics, there is athletics and arts for students. In addition, international students are accepted into the school. Also, new students who take an online virtual college tour get $100 off their first tuition. If you want to attend a highly moral yet academically strong and fun school, choose UC Academy.

#8 Thetford Academy

For 200 years, Thetford has continually taught high school students to think and act. On a mission to nurture young minds and help them develop their strengths. There are so many school courses and academic programs you can enroll for. This is also one of the high schools USA that has a virtual library for students to use. Students can also enroll for independent learning where they typically learn only courses related t a chosen field/career they want to pursue. International students who would rather study from the confines of the home and protection of family has nothing to fear about. International students can live with local families in homestays till the end of their stay in Vermont. However, Thetford only admits 10 international students per year. In addition, the total inetrnational students tuition is $46,600.

#9 Lyndon Institute

At Lyndon, there is customized education to meet the specific and basic needs of each student. Furthermore, the student to teacher average is 12:1. Founded in 1867, Lyndon Institute is dedicated to providing a unique educational experience. We are an independent and comprehensive high school for grades 9 – 12, offering a 150-course curriculum specializing in core and honors academics, fine and performing arts, and technical and career programs. Although it is a boarding school, day students are also accepted in this boarding school in Vermont for high school students. Equally important of mentioning is that international students from both English speaking and non-English speaking nations are welcome. However, non-English speaking students will be trained to succeed in both academic and social settings using English. Lastly, they one of the few boarding schools in vermont that offers a complete art course in various areas. Also, although academisc is the core at Lyndon, we also advise students on athletics so some may pursue careers there. In fact, Lyndon is the best for skiing.

#10. The Greenwood School

Well, not all schools are meant for everyone. So, basically, The Greenwood School is a private boarding & day school in Vermont for students in grades 6 through 12 with language-based learning disabilities. For over 40 years Greenwood has empowered talented young people who face dyslexia and related language-based learning, attentional, and executive function challenges.  Because we named this as number 10 doesn’t make it any less than all the others. This is actually the bone of the best boarding schools in Vermont for high school students, boys to be precise. Beyond this, students are taught a variety of courses. They also have some experiential learning in areas like comradery, designing, building, and creating. Greenwood uses speech and language therapy, occupational therapy, tutors, and social language practice to help students improve both their academic performance as well as their self-confidence. Just as the name suggests, the land is truly green. Truly, you will enter a serene green environment upon visiting the school.


In conclusion, we have successfully listed the 10 best boarding schools in Vermont for high school students, boys, and girls. By enrolling your ward in any of these boarding schools in Vermont, parents ae rest assured that their children are well catered for academically, emotionally, and fun-wise. Do apply to the school that matches your child’s needs. World Scholarship Forum cares! Basically, the average tuition for private schools in Vermont is $21,560 per year. Then, for the private elementary school, expect to pay around $10,141 per year and the private high school average is $31,176 per year. Lastly, the school in our list and in Vermont with the highest tuition is Greenwood school. They have an average tuition of $83,000. Yes, there is.The Greenwood School located in 14 Greenwood Lane Putney, Vermont 05346 USA caters for talented young people who face dyslexia and related language-based learning, attentional, and executive function challenges. The Greenwood School is a private boarding & day school in Vermont for students in grades 6 through 12 with language-based learning disabilities. The best boarding schools in Vermont USA are;The Putney SchoolStratton Mountain SchoolRock Point schoolSt Johnsbury AcademyVermont AcademyBurr & Burton AcademyUnited Christian AcademyThetford AcademyLyndon InstituteVermont Academy of Science & Technology


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