As a matter of fact, even those who care about improving their mental health may need to know the best grants for mental health.  Additionally, one person commits suicide every 40 seconds and millions of people pass away from alcohol-related causes each year. It has never been more crucial to address mental health issues than it is right now, especially in light of the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact on mental health.  In their communities and beyond, the best grants for mental health on this list work to address the healthcare problem.  In this article, we have compiled a list of the best grants for mental health in 2023.

How can you win grants for mental health?

The competition for grants for mental health is fierce. You must make a statement in order to get financial aid for your study. Here are some suggestions to improve your chances:

Don’t focus on your weaknesses; instead, highlight your virtues. 

Student struggles with mental health are quite challenging. There may have been a number of ways your mental health affected you that caused you to fall behind in both your personal and academic life.  While taking the time to analyze these difficulties is crucial, it’s typically a good idea to avoid discussing them in your scholarship application essays.  These scholarship-giving organizations are looking for applicants who have surmounted obstacles, possess a strong work ethic, and have a clear idea of what they want out of life and how to get there.  Therefore, it’s a good idea to frame your discussion of mental health as a chance for personal development and a formative experience when you do include it in your essay.  Describe your past in terms of how it propels you toward a bright future.

Conduct research 

It’s a good idea to carefully read your essay prompt before starting your applications to get a sense of what the reviewers are looking for from you.  How might you reframe this question to best showcase your abilities and potential?  Research the company providing the scholarship as well. Learn about their key beliefs and principles, and make sure you highlight them in your application papers.  They are trying to find a candidate who shares their goals and ideals. Make sure to demonstrate why you are that candidate.

Utilize our guidelines to improve your writing

An effective essay will be captivating, straightforward, and well-written. Writing good scholarship essays requires a particular set of abilities.  Fortunately, we have a number of guides to assist you in creating the finest application possible.  This contains instructions on how to prepare a scholarship resume and instructions on how to answer typical scholarship essay prompts. Related 10 Best Home Repair Grants For Disabled Persons in 2023

What are the Mental health resources for students?

For enrolled students, many colleges and universities provide mental health support. That is a terrific place to start if you require direction. You should be able to get direction from the counseling department at your college because they have expertise working with students your age. The following websites are some of the most reliable you can find if you want or need to conduct independent research:

Anxiety and Depression Association of America National Alliance on Mental Health ULifeline

What are the Best Grants for Mental Health?

1. American Legion Child Welfare Foundation

The American Legion Child Welfare Foundation was established as a holding place for donations from people who wanted to improve the lives of children in the United States.  Their top priority in terms of philanthropy is to improve the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being of children and young people.  To do this, they support initiatives that advance child welfare by disseminating information about research, studies, surveys, and projects, as well as by funding initiatives that benefit the welfare of kids and young people.  Grant Link 

2. Cigna Foundation

The charity giving philosophy of the Cigna Foundation is in line with their goal of enhancing the health, happiness, and tranquility of the people they serve.  They concentrate on food hunger and mental health via their “Healthier Kids For Our Future” scholarships. They will provide applicants the chance to select one of five subjects for their “Health and Well-being” grants, one of which is for initiatives addressing mental and/or behavioral health disorders.  Grant Link 

3. RBC Foundation – USA

RBC Foundation – USA’s goal is to raise the standard of living in the communities where they operate by funding nonprofit groups that advance diversity and make a positive impact.  Health funding is only given to the RBC Adolescents Mental Well-being Project, which focuses on initiatives that assist youth and families in getting the proper care at the appropriate time. Grant Link 

4. Autism Speaks

Autism Speaks Norma and Malcolm Baker Recreation Grant programs support initiatives that offer social and educational opportunities to people with autism.  It encourages initiatives that show they can reach people of all ages on the autism spectrum in the following service delivery categories: adult services, employment, physical fitness and sports, summer camps, swimming, and water safety.  Grant Link  Related 10 Best Home Repair Grants For Senior Citizens In 2023 | Apply Now

5. Autism Science Foundation

The Autism Science Foundation provides funding for studies that aim to better understand the origins of autism and create more potent remedies.  Additionally, they support initiatives that increase the availability of autism research and inform parents and other interested parties about the most recent advances in the field. Grant Link 

6. The David & Lura Lovell Foundation

Founded in 1994, the David and Lura Lovell Foundation is a family foundation that supports high-impact programs countrywide in the following four key areas: gender parity, integrative health and wellness, youth access to the arts, and mental health.  Check out their unique funding opportunity for Toledo, Ohio, if you’d like on their website below.  Grant Link 

7. Anthem Foundation

The Anthem Foundation supports particular public health projects that address inequalities and social determinants that can benefit ailments identified through their renowned Healthy Generations program, including behavioral health.  They fund initiatives aimed at boosting access to resources for mental health illnesses and disseminating knowledge about the significance of whole-person health in order to address issues of suicide, domestic violence/child abuse, and substance misuse in a holistic, preventive manner. Grant Link  Related 21 Private Grants for Individuals With Disabilities in 2023

8. Doug Flutie Jr. Foundation for Autism

Doug Flutie, Jr. Foundation for Autism seeks to improve the quality of life for those with autism and their families.  New initiatives and model projects that have the potential to enhance the quality of daily life for those affected by autism and their families as well as those that can be copied by other organizations in order to have a broader impact on the autistic community at large will receive support.  Grant Link 

9. O’Neill Foundation

The O’Neill Foundation works to enhance the health and happiness of the families in the neighborhoods where they live.  They provide support to organizations that work with populations with special needs and those who have behavioral health, addiction, primary, and preventative healthcare needs.  The service areas include Hawaii, Florida, Texas, and Vermont (specific counties in each) Grant Link 

10. Peter & Elizabeth Tower Foundation

Dedicated to assisting children, adolescents, and young people with intellectual impairments, learning disabilities, mental health conditions, and drug use disorders, The Tower Foundation is a family foundation that supports nonprofit organizations and community partners.  The areas served include: Massachusetts and western New York (eastern)  Grant Link  Related 10 Best Home Repair Grants For Senior Citizens In 2023 | Apply Now

11. Daniel’s Fund

The Daniels Fund focuses on assisting morally upstanding and highly effective nonprofit groups that make a major contribution to society.  They support initiatives that help those who are battling drug and alcohol addiction, particularly those that focus on adolescent prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation.  They serve Colorado and Wyoming. Grant Link 

12. The Colorado Health Foundation

The Colorado Health Foundation works to meet the state’s behavioral health needs by supporting young people’s social and emotional growth, teaching resilience to teenagers and young adults, and providing ongoing assistance to individuals who are struggling with mental illness and drug misuse.  Grant Link 

13. Caring For Colorado Foundation

To accelerate progress and improve the lives and health of Colorado’s children, youth, and families, Caring for Colorado collaborates with local communities.  They place a strong emphasis on the inclusion of maternal, infant, and child mental health in programs that support families because it has a significant impact on children’s development. Grant Link 

14. Connecticut Health Foundation

No matter their race, ethnicity, or socioeconomic situation, everyone in Connecticut can attain optimal health, according to the Connecticut Health Foundation.  In order to make this a reality, they concentrate on four areas: access and coverage, better care delivery, connecting care to the community, and advocacy and leadership.  These are crucial for ensuring that the following generation won’t experience the same pervasive racial and ethnic health disparities as their parents.  Grant Link 

15. Endowment For Health

The Endowment for Health strives to enhance health and lessen the toll that sickness takes on New Hampshire residents.  Their investments have aided in reorienting the New Hampshire children’s behavioral health system.  They keep making proactive investments in public policy change, leadership, and advocacy for our kids’ mental health systems. Grant Link  Related Top 10 Dental Grants for Low-Income Adults in 2023

16. Maine Health Access Foundation

The Maine Health Access Foundation is the largest private, nonprofit health organization in the state with a mission to improve health and provide access to high-quality healthcare.  They provide chances for responsive funding, a discretionary awards program for modest, isolated projects, and meeting support grants for regional and state-wide gatherings.  Grant Link 

17. California Healthcare Foundation

The California Health Care Foundation is committed to achieving real, quantifiable changes in the way California’s healthcare system delivers care to its residents.  To achieve the best results for Californians with low incomes, CHCF seeks to strengthen behavioral health care systems and focuses on integrating mental health, drug use, and physical health services. Grant Link 

18. The New York Community Trust

The New York City Trust establishes connections between giving New Yorkers of the past, present, and future and crucial nonprofit organizations striving to create a safe, just, and prosperous community for all.  Their top goals for funding include expanding healthcare, tackling issues with mental health and substance misuse, and advancing biological research.  Grant Link 

19. The Meadows Foundation

They are a private family charity working to enhance Texas residents’ quality of life and living conditions.  They support a variety of initiatives in the field of mental health, such as the incorporation of services into primary care settings, systemic methods for diagnosing and treating depression using measures that have been scientifically validated to track symptoms and results, and research and advocacy to broaden access to quality mental health services. Grant Link 

20. Hogg Foundation For Mental Health

The Hogg Foundation is dedicated to helping groups and people who are actively working to enhance the mental health of Texans.  Through grants, scholarships, and fellowships, they invest in initiatives, policy analysis, research, and education to change how communities support mental health in daily life. Grant Link  Related How To Apply For College Grants: Step-By-Step Guide 


Just keep in mind that you decide whatever information to include. You have the option to pick whether to submit any information at all or just the information that you are most at ease with.  However, you shouldn’t feel compelled to conceal any of your issues with mental health from employers while applying. They could aid in providing an explanation for changes in academic performance or other aspects of your application.



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