One part of the game where agility is especially important is the fancy footwork. It is important to pull off an awesome juke. On the best jukes in college football, offensive ball carriers go around defenders instead of through them. They need to be able to read their body language and act quickly and decisively. Jukes are a very interesting part of college football. In this article, we would break down the amazing jukes in college football. In addition, you would also learn how to go about the amazing jukes in college football. Keep reading! You should read: The 50 Best College Football Players of All Time | 2022 Ranking

How To Do The Best Jukes In College Football- Step by Step Guide?

Step 1

As you run with the ball, look at the field. The top jukes in college football are a skill that people with the ball usually use to avoid getting tackled by defenders. The first step to doing a good juke is to keep an eye out for defenders as you move up the field. Try to keep your head up and your eyes on the field as soon as you start running with the ball. Look up the field ahead of you to see if any defenders are coming so you can react before they get to you. No matter how fast or agile you are, you can’t juke out of a tackle you didn’t see coming. Not all defenders will come from right in front of you. Don’t forget to take a quick look at your sides to get a good idea of where defensive threats will come from.

Step 2

Find the defender or defenders you’ll face. To do the best jukes in college football, you have to pick out the defender (or sometimes defenders) who will give you trouble. To do this, you have to decide on the spot which defenders farther down the field will be able to catch you before you run past them with the ball. The best way to get better at this is to practice it. For example, try running the ball past a few friends or teammates spread out down the field from you. If it looks like none of the defenders will be able to get to you, don’t try to juke. Instead, just run past them; it’s less risky and you’ll probably get more yards. Don’t forget how fast your defenders are. If you see a defender 20 yards (18.3 m) away, you and the defender can both run the 40-yard dash in about 5 seconds. If you both run straight at each other, the defender could be on top of you in just over two seconds. Check out: Top 15 Best College Football Locker Rooms │ 2022 Ranking

Step 3

Show that you can go left or right. As you get close to a defender who is blocking your way use your body language to make it unclear which way you’ll try to go around him. Look at him and make a few small, quick movements with your head, shoulders, and torso to the right and left to throw him off. Don’t put too much effort into any of these moves before the actual juke. This will slow you down, waste time, and make you easier to catch. This kind of deception takes time and can slow you down. If you’re surrounded or if defenders are right behind you, you might want to skip it and go straight for your juke. Even a split second of extra time can help you avoid a tackle. In the amazing jukes in college football, don’t waste a chance to gain yards by trying to do something fancy when it’s not necessary.

Step 4

Lie about one direction. As you get closer to your defender, keep an eye on him. He should try to read your movements and match them as you duck and weave to the left and right. When he looks like he’s following you, act like you’re going in one direction. Take a quick step in that direction and move your hips and upper body in the same way. As the defender tries to hit you, he should “take the bait” by lunging or moving in the direction you’re pretending to go. In the best jukes in college football, be careful to not lean too far in the direction you want to juke, or you might fall or slow down. For your juke to work, you have to be able to switch from your “fake” move to the opposite direction of motion in a flash.

Step 5

Quickly turn around and run the other way. When a defender tries too hard to stop your movement in one direction, you want to go around him as quickly as possible in the opposite direction. This way, he doesn’t have time to react and fix his mistake. Use your planted foot to push in the opposite direction and move diagonally forward and away from where your defender moved or lunged. As soon as you do this, run as fast as you can because your defender will realize he was wrong as soon as you move around him. He will probably try as hard as he can to catch up with you. Don’t forget to keep your head up and start looking for more defenders as soon as you get around the first one. Even if you get past the defensive linemen and linebackers, you still have to watch out for the defensive safeties, so be careful. You should read: Top 15 Best Offensive Coordinators In College Football | 2022 Ranking

Step 6

If your defender comes straight at you, go around him. When you start the amazing jukes in college football by trying to throw your defender off with quick ducks and weaves, you always run the risk that your defender won’t “take the bait” and start following your movements, but will instead head right for you. In this situation, you’ll have to move quickly to avoid a big tackle. Watch your defender as you get close to him. If he doesn’t slow down to try to match your moves, choose a lateral direction (left or right) and go in that direction right away. Put your foot on the side of your body that is opposite of the way you want to run, and push hard to the side to get around him. If a defender is coming straight at you from the other end of the field at full speed, moving as fast as you can to either side will usually make it hard for him to react. Start running up the field again as soon as your defender seems to be out of reach. Keep track of where the other defenders are at all times so you can act as soon as possible.

Step 7

Stop wasting time. With the best jukes in college football, time is very important. When you have the ball, the goal of the whole defensive team is to stop you from moving up the field. Don’t expect any of the defenders to wait for you to finish a slow juke. Quick, effective jukes are always better than slow, flashy ones. Keep your moves as short and simple as possible and run as hard as you can as soon as you get around your defender. This would avoid giving the defense extra chances to tackle you. Beginners who want to learn how to juke often make the mistake of spending too much time on the quick back-and-forth fake-out moves at the beginning of the juke. Even though these moves are great for confusing the defender in front of you, every second you spend doing them gives defenders on your sides and behind you more time to close in on you. Keep them short and sweet. Don’t move the ball away from yourself either. If you don’t tuck it in, you may lose the ball and not be able to play for a long time. When doing this, get good at keeping the ball safe. Read also: Top 15 Best Male College Athlete Espy | 2022 Ranking

What Are The Qualities Of The Best Jukes In College Football?

The best college football jokes have the following qualities

#1. Confidence without arrogance

“If you think you can do something or think you can’t do something, you’re right,” said Henry Ford. If a striker thinks they can score, they’ll go for it and, more often than not, score. If they think they can’t do it, they might miss the chance or not try hard enough. They will be right either way. To complete the amazing jukes in college football, you need to have a lot of self-confidence.

#2. Touch

The most important skill for top jukes in college football to have is “touch.” This means being able to control the ball. When things are tight, having control of the ball is often the difference between getting a chance to score a goal and not getting the chance at all. Touch is something you get better at over time, and when it’s done right, it looks like magic.

#3. Speed

Speed is one of the top jukes in college football best weapons, so it’s a key trait. Not only being able to run fast is important. The speed of thought: Seeing, deciding, and acting is important. The amazing jukes in college football must have the ability to quickly perceive the situation and then quickly make a decision and execute it). You should see: Top 15 Best Point Guards in College Basketball│2022 Ranking

#4. Accuracy

Accuracy in shooting comes from a mix of technique and practice. It needs a concentrated, focused, and deliberate act. Training once a week with 30 to 50 shots on goal to improve shot accuracy is the key to success.

#5. Football Moves

Even though moves don’t happen as often as you might think, they are very important to a player’s confidence. Every player should have a move that they like best. A move must be permanent, which means that they can do it almost perfectly every time, on-demand, and very quickly.

#6. Positioning

Knowing where to place yourself on the field and having an awareness of space is critical for the best jukes in college football. Wide is good, but running is the best way for top jukes in college football. By constantly moving between defenders, between the lines, and in the channels, you can switch defenders. You can also make it hard for them to figure out who should be making you. This is a good move, but it’s also what a striker does for fun. It’s awesome to see a great striker at work. Check out: Top 15 Best College Football Uniforms| 2022 Ranking

15 Best Jukes in College Football

#1. Ka’Deem Carey, RB, Arizona

Instagram Facebook Twitter It’s nice to see the rushing champion from last year get some attention. People will want to play for the Arizona Wildcats because of Ka’Deem Carey. His 96 acceleration rating is what will make him so special. EA Sports has changed the running game to make it easier to make cuts and move in and out of traffic. When he gets going, the guy on defense can’t stop him. Issues no surprise he ranks #1 on our list of top jukes in college football.

#2. Denicos Allen, LB, Michigan State

Twitter LinkedIn It’s a surprise to see that Denicos Allen is higher on the list than Max Bullough. Bullough is the leader of Michigan State’s defense, and for the last two years, he has made the most tackles on the team. Allen has done pretty well for himself and has a lot of athletic ability. Allen’s 94-rated tackles and 94-rated awareness should also help you in the game. This Spartans defender won’t let much through. This is always a good thing in a video game where the advantage usually goes to the offense. When it comes to offense, the Spartans don’t have much to offer, which won’t make people want to join their team. Denis Allen is one of the best jukes in college football. You should read: Top 15 Best Offenses in College Football | 2023 Ranking

#3. Sammy Watkins, WR, Clemson

Instagram  Sammy Watkins caught 57 passes for 708 yards last season, even though he missed four games. He has shown himself to be one of the fastest receivers in the country and is always a threat to get the ball into the end zone. This would explain why he got this rank on our list of amazing Jukes in college football. Watkins is still very dangerous because he can make sharp turns and stop on a dime. With a 94 rating for sneakiness and a 97 rating for speed, he is almost unfair. As one of the amazing Jukes in college football, you may not want him to touch the ball a lot during the game.

#4. Tajh Boyd, QB, Clemson

Instagram Facebook Twitter LinkedIn You’re right. Two offensive players on the Clemson team are on our list of amazing jukes in college football. It seems likely that this team will become a favorite among football lovers. Good luck coming up with a defense that can stop this speed. For people who like offensive things, Tajh Boyd has a lot to offer. His throwing power is 94, but his speed is only 82 and his acceleration is only 84. Even though Boyd isn’t a typical dual-threat quarterback, he can kill you in the video game with either his arm or his legs. The Boyd is one of the amazing jukes in college football. Read also: 15 Best Study Habits For College Students | 2023 Ranking

#5. Taylor Lewan, OT, Michigan

Twitter Instagram  Offensive tackle isn’t the most exciting position, and it’s not why you’ll buy this game. Users are always dialing up exotic blitz packages and looking for bugs to get to your quarterback, so you better have a good lineman. If you don’t have a Taylor Lewan on your team, none of these other players will be useful. His strength ranks at 95, and he is currently rated 93 for run defense and 94 for pass defense. Lewan won’t let much get by him, so you’ll have plenty of time to throw the ball or give it to your star running back. With an A Grade, Taylor Lewan is one of the best jukes in college football.

#6. Aaron Murray, QB, Georgia

Twitter Instagram Facebook LinkedIn Ranking #6 on our list of top jukes in college football is Aaron Murray. Aaron Murray is highly rated in the game of football. His ability to throw is currently rated at 95, and his awareness is at a very good 91. Murray will break down defenses with his strong arm and good aim. Just say a prayer that the game doesn’t come down to the last few seconds. In all honesty, only a few quarterbacks have better grades than Murray. There is no doubt he is one of the best jukes in college football. Read also: Top 15 Best College Tennis Teams Ever │ 2023 Ranking

#7. Jake Matthews, OT, Texas A&M

Instagram  Jake Matthews is the other offensive lineman in this game. Even though he has the same overall rating as Taylor Lewan, Matthews is stronger and he blocks runs better. Many people think that Matthews will be the next great offensive lineman from College Station. He is currently expected to go high in the draft, like Johnny Manziel. No matter which defensive end tries to come off the edge, Matthews will be able to hold the line. As one of the amazing jukes in college football, he would make you want to play with the Aggies even more. Check out: Top 25 Best College Football Helmets | 2023 Ranking

#8. Teddy Bridgewater, QB, Louisville

Instagram  Louisville is that team that isn’t the best, but you can play with them a lot without being cheap. People might not know that Teddy Bridgewater is good enough to win games on his own. His overall throwing power is currently rated at 93, and his accuracy is at 92. Bridgewater is even more dangerous because it can go 80 miles per hour and pick up speed at 84 miles per hour. He throws balls right on the button, but moving the chains with his feet is no problem for him. He is one of the best jukes in college football.

#9. Braxton Miller, QB, Ohio State

Twitter Instagram LinkedIn Facebook Braxton Miller has the same overall rating as quarterbacks Aaron Murray and Teddy Bridgewater. However, because he is so fast, he is usually seen as the better player overall. Miller is currently rated 87 for speed and 92 for acceleration. He runs fast down the field and can go the whole way if the blocks are in the right place. Miller’s problem is that he can only throw with 91 power, and his accuracy is a poor 84. You might be able to beat the seventh-best player in the game. This is if you can find a way to slow down the read option and force Miller to throw. You’d like to see a player with more skills higher up on this list. Braxton Miller is one of the top jukes in college football. You should read: 15 Best College Punters Ever | 2022 Ranking

#10. C.J. Mosley, LB, Alabama

Instagram Twitter Facebook It’s impressive to see a defensive player ranked so highly on the list. C.J Mosley is no doubt, one of the best jukes in college football. The Alabama defense is currently led by C.J. Mosley, who was the team’s leader with 107 tackles last season. Nick Saban loves him because he is smart about football. People love playing with him because of how fast he is (92) and how aware he is (94). With C.J Mosley, it will be hard for the other team to run up the middle of the field. The quarterback should be careful where he throws the ball on crossing patterns.

#11. Marqise Lee, WR, USC

Twitter In college football, Marqise Lee is like Calvin Johnson. If nothing else works, just put it out there and he will come to get it. Lee can do anything in this game, and a lot of people will leave before the end of regulation because of him. His acceleration is a crazy 97, and he can jump well with an 87. His 95 catching, 93 catching in traffic, and 90 spectacular catching ratings set him apart. Marquise is one of the amazing jukes in college football. The defense hasn’t stopped Lee yet. Since he is by far the best receiver, you will probably have the same problems with him.

#12. A.J. McCarron, QB, Alabama

Instagram A.J. McCarron won’t be much fun to play with, but he will help you win a lot. He won’t make plays with his legs, and his 88-mph throwing power won’t blow you away. You play to win the game, though. One thing that helps McCarron’s overall rating is that he has the best throwing accuracy in the game, which is 95. His awareness is also 91, which is 10 points higher than quarterback Teddy Bridgewater. McCarron doesn’t have much to make you fall in love with him, but he is one of the best jukes in college football. When a three-time national champion is running your team, you can’t go wrong.

#13. De’Anthony Thomas, RB, Oregon

Instagram Facebook Twitter LinkedIn College football’s most exciting player is also the most exciting player to play with. You may have heard of De’Anthony Thomas. He is one of the top jukes in college football. Thomas ranks 98 for speed and 99 for acceleration. He is fast, plain, and simple. When you use the new burst of speed that EA added, no defender will be able to catch you. Thomas’s spin move ranks at 97, and his juke move and ability to get away are both rated at 98. It should be against the law to have a player this fast. Read also: Top 25 Best College Football Games Of All Time | 2022 Ranking

#14. Johnny Manziel, QB, Texas A&M

Twitter Facebook Since Johnny Manziel just won the Heisman, it’s hard to argue with the fact that he is the best quarterback. He reminds us of quarterback De’Anthony Thomas. Manziel ranks 91 for speed and 95 for acceleration. When you add those things to his 91 rating for being hard to catch, it will be hard to catch him in the open field. Manziel can also throw the ball pretty well, with an accuracy rating of 89 and a power rating of 90. In this game, Manziel is like Braxton Miller, but faster and better. That’s a hard thing to mess up. Johnny Manziel is one of the top jukes in college football.

#15. Jadeveon Clowney, DE, South Carolina

Instagram Facebook Twitter When a defensive player is the best player on a college team, you know he must be pretty good. Usually, the title goes to a quarterback who gets too much attention or a running back with crazy skills. Jadeveon Clowney is just a man among boys, and next year’s NFL draft will probably pick him first overall. He is one of the best jukes in college football. His speed is 94, his acceleration is 84, his pursuit is 95, and his hit power is 99. You can’t help but think that this hit had something to do with that. Clowney is a great defensive lineman who can control a game on his own. Unless your opponent has a cheap way to control the offensive line, you can expect constant pressure on his quarterback. Check out: Top 15 Best Coaches in College Basketball │ 2022 Ranking


With the best jukes in college football, you want the fastest running backs, and quarterbacks who can do everything. Some defensive players will force fumbles with every crushing hit. There are a lot of great offensive players to choose from, but there are also three good defensive players, one of whom is in first place. Check out: Top 21 Best Record in College Baseball History | 2022 Ranking

References– Top jukes in college football– Ranking the best jukes in college football– Top jukes in college football– Top jukes in college football Image Link


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