You may be wondering, though, what are the best podcasts for college girls. With so many things to choose from, it might be tough to know where to begin. To assist with this, we’ve compiled a list of the top 15 best podcasts for college students, as well as other helpful information you should know, in this post. Have a look at 20 Successful Businesses Started By College Students

What Makes The Best Podcasts For College Girls?

The best podcasts for college girls consist of great content that is useful and intriguing to tune in to and listen to. Some factors that contribute to this are:

Creation of engaging content

Engaging an audience is one of the most difficult aspects of podcasting. A podcast must build a following and keep listeners coming back for more. This can be possible if it has a strong and specialized topic matter that targets a specific audience, as well as an engaging and entertaining presenter.

Having consistency and clarity

Being able to present information to an audience effectively is essential for podcasting. A fantastic podcast will want to hire a well-articulated host who speaks easily with a wide range of themes. Check this out: Top 15 Best Hookup Apps for College Students | 2022 Ranking

Sound quality

Poor audio quality can be a major detriment to keeping listeners engaged and wanting to return. Distracting factors include background noises and the use of poor microphones. The utilization of high-quality audio equipment and editing will go a long way.


This is one of the most important aspects of any high-quality instructional podcast. Podcasting is a personal medium whose quality is dictated by the interaction between the audience and the host. For this relationship to be established, a smart podcaster has to embrace authenticity.

Having Consistent schedules

A good podcast should have a regular release schedule. Knowing when a new episode will be released encourages viewers to return. Podcasts for college students, like TV shows, should adhere to a consistent schedule that listeners can rely on.

Why Should You Listen To The Best Podcasts For College Girls?

Here are a few reasons why you should give listening to the best podcasts for college students a try. You should read: 10 Tech Gadgets For College Students | Very Needful

Reading along to a podcast can increase confidence and literacy

For extremely young kids, word recognition is the most important skill. However, as students get older (middle school and up), decoding becomes more automatic, and listening comprehension becomes the major component of acquiring language. Podcasts allow students to practice their listening comprehension of complicated texts that are both conversational and formal.

It includes a wide range of narrative styles and topics

Podcasts allow you to tailor the content and format to your specific lesson, and the choices are limitless. The choices can include fictitious stories, instructional and inspirational TED lectures, current events/world news, history, sports, pop culture/entertainment, and investigative journalism. Podcasts expose students to a wide range of communication strategies, such as narration, casual speech, scripted dialogue, and interviews. Take a look at: 20 Best Educational Podcasts for College Students in 2022

Reading along to a podcast keeps easily distracted students focused

Students claim that reading along with the audio helps them concentrate and prevents them from spacing out while listening. Also, many of our students expressly acknowledge that they can go back and review something they didn’t grasp the first time they heard it.

Podcasts are free, easily accessible, and always up to date

The total cost of using a podcast in your classroom is $0, which is exactly the amount of money most teachers are allotted for classroom resources. Students have the impression that they are engaging in a conversation rather than having adults read or talk to them because of the casual tone of podcasts, the current themes, or both. Students have the impression that they are participating in something unique, novel, and thrilling. See this: Top 15 Cars for College Students | 2022 Ranking

How Do Podcasts Work?

The process of generating and releasing a podcast is quite simple for podcasters. After they’ve recorded and edited a few episodes, they must upload them to their preferred podcast host. The RSS feed for the podcast is then sent to podcast directories such as Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or Stitcher. These directories connect podcasts and listeners; users can utilize their favorite podcast directory to search, subscribe to, and listen to podcasts. If you wish to listen to podcasts, you must first select a directory. There are numerous variations available, but some of the most popular are as follows:

Apple Podcasts Google Podcasts Spotify Stitcher Overcast Podcast Addict

Some podcast directories include complex customization features such as multiple playlists, sleep timers, and smart playlists. Most podcast directories include recommendations for new programs based on your preferences. Begin by downloading the program from the Apple App Store or Google Play, depending on which directory you choose to try out. Look for shows that interest you using the app’s search option. You can listen to a single episode right away, download it for later, or subscribe to shows so that new episodes are automatically added to your playlist. See also: 18 Cheapest Colleges in Canada 2022 for International Students

15 Best Podcasts For College Girls

Talking about the best podcasts for college girls, here are the top 15 best podcasts for college girls on our list today.

#1 You’re Wrong About

Michael Hobbes and Sarah Marshall created this podcast about American history and pop culture. This podcast will test your knowledge of culturally significant events throughout history by investigating the distorted and misremembered facts beneath the printed headlines. Listen now

#2 The College Info Geek

Thanks to its hosts, Martin Boehme and Thomas Frank, this podcast is both educational and entertaining. This informative podcast will assist you in being a more effective student by discussing a wide range of school-related topics. It also provides in-depth tips that can enhance productivity in the hopes of obtaining better scores. Listen now

#3 My Favorite Murder

When it comes to the best podcasts for college girls, the program “my favorite murder” shouldn’t be left out. The program’s co-hosts are Karen Kilgariff and Georgia Hardstark. They each select a genuine crime story or historical event to discuss. Both hosts have described this immensely amusing podcast as a short therapy session to help them deal with their fears. Listen now

#4 Unladylike

Caroline Ervin and Chrissy Conger take their podcast listeners on a trip. They navigate the social constraints that women face daily and analyze popular media representations of women and their bodies. Motivated by a passion for study, both hosts offer incisive commentary on the daily problems that women encounter through personal tales or by inviting guests. This is the type of podcast that deserves to be on your list of the best podcasts for college girls. Listen now

#5 Call Your Girlfriend

If you moved across the nation for college and miss your bestie, Ann Friedman and Aminatou Sow’s podcast is for you. Both hosts phone each other to discuss current pop culture and political topics. Since its inception in 2014, this popular podcast has amassed a considerable audience, with over a hundred thousand people listening to each episode. Listen now Read about the: 15 Best Binders for College | 2022 Ranking

#6 Collegehood Advice

This is one of the best podcasts for college students that can help you break negative habits and establish a mindset that will propel you to succeed in college and life. Every week, Katy Oliveira, along with her guests, presents tools, ideas, and insights to help you become more organized, improve your grades, and enjoy your college experience more. Listen now

#7 Do the Thing with Whole30’s Melissa Urban

The host of this podcast discusses the significance of eating healthy, setting boundaries, exercising, recovering from addiction, and budgeting. No girl will want to miss this podcast on their list of the best podcasts for college girls. In this podcast, Melissa Hartwig delves into what you’ve been missing every time you try and fail. She also assists you in changing your habits for the better. Listen now

#8 The Read

The Read is an American variety and conversation program hosted by Kid Fury and Crissle West. They laugh and discuss hip-hop and the latest pop culture phenomena with the help of the occasional guest. The podcast debuted in 2019, and each episode lasts about 30 minutes, making it ideal for a lunch break between classes.  Listen now

#9 TED Radio Hour

This podcast, hosted by Manoush Zomorodi, examines some of the big questions of our time by bringing together several of the world’s best intellectuals. This motivating podcast digs into a series of TED Talks, prompting listeners to examine not just what they know about the world around them, but also what they know about themselves. Listen now Read also: Top 15 Best Electric Scooters For College Students

#10 StarTalk

Hosted by astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson, the StarTalk podcast discusses science, comedy, and pop culture with numerous comedic celebrity co-hosts. If you’re interested in science, this is the perfect podcast to listen to since you’ll feel better knowledgeable after each episode while still being highly delighted. Listen now

#11 Stuff You Should Know (SYSK)

Another amazing podcast that made its way to this list of the best podcasts for college girls is the simple yet educational SYSK podcast. For eleven years, the educational resource portal “Stuff You Should Know” has served as an informative instructional storehouse. The audio discussion covers important topics that university scholars should be familiar with during their undergraduate years on campus. Chuck Bryant and Josh Clark, the anchors, keep listeners captivated by their voices with fascinating and resourceful educational development topics. While most of the best podcasts for college students will advise you what to do, “Stuff You Should Know” takes a different approach. Josh and Chuck like assisting university students in sorting through the uninteresting or irrelevant material to avoid complicating college. On occasion, they highlight educational issues that should be considered secondary when on campus. Listen now

#12 Life Kit

Among the best podcasts for college girls, the Life Kit is the only podcast that focuses mainly on life and life hacks. A podcast like this is full of clichéd episodes on life in general. The platform’s hosts give practical advice on how freshmen might easily adapt to university life. The programs include interesting hacks from the tools to make tertiary education enjoyable and worthwhile. Listen now See this now: Top 15 Summer Writing Programs For High School Students In 2022

#13 Brain Science

Understanding how your brain processes information would be beneficial when studying at a university. Some students struggle for years because they are easily distracted while studying and they lose focus in class. Brain science is among the few best podcasts for college girls that can hardly be ignored. Listen now

#14 Freakonomics Radio

This is an unusual but useful educational podcast with a large number of undergraduate listeners worldwide. The website focuses on disseminating secret knowledge on the economic aspects of almost everything around us. You’d get to see a series of shows about medical personnel making mistakes and patients dying as a result. Some people consider it extreme, but it may be highly educational. Consider receiving analytics on how a majority leader’s finances might feed hundreds in a week. As usual, the hosts engage in some contentious, humorous, and at times obscene, but factual discussions on the economics of everything. Listen now

#15 The College Investor

It is not uncommon to see students scurrying for a way to make money. College education may be costly, and many students carry outstanding loan obligations around with them even before they land their first jobs. The college investor is an excellent resource for educated students who need to organize their funds. This podcast airs every other day and covers a wide range of financial issues that could be quite valuable. Robert Farrington, the founder of College Investor, walks students through dozens of options for repaying student loans without breaking a sweat. Students can start building large wealth right out of college by taking advantage of various government regulations on taxes, investments, and education finance. He explains how to detect the proper investments, the importance of saving costs as a student, and how a commitment to entrepreneurship may put you on the correct track to wealth creation. The college investor podcast is not only one of the best podcasts for college girls but for all students willing to make the most out of their college life. Listen now See this now: Top 15 Best Investments For College Students

How Can College Students Use Podcasts In Education?

Structure of the course/syllabus

Introduce prospective students to your module through a podcast that outlines the themes you’ll be studying over the semester. Instead of outlining the program on paper, chatting with them will inspire more students to sign up for your class because they will be able to hear your enthusiasm for your subject as well as receive a taste of the material and your teaching style.

Recordings of lectures

By recording your lectures, students who have missed a few lessons can catch up on their own time. If you are unable to present a lecture in person for whatever reason, a podcast of the talk you planned to deliver ensures that no one is left out. Again, many people listen to podcasts to learn new things, so perhaps you could release one or two to a larger audience. This might be a significant increase in enrollment numbers.

Subject examinations

Podcasts are excellent revising tools. Subjects should be broken down into simply digestible sound bites that can be reviewed and re-reviewed throughout the study time.

Student Activities

Instead of giving presentations, why not have your students create and record podcasts as part of their homework? This not only encourages engagement with the content but also enhances class debates and peer learning.

Share your knowledge with other teachers

Remember that education isn’t just for students! Podcasts developed by teachers for teachers have spawned a global network of education experts who are all learning from one another. They share their experiences and skills for the benefit of all their listeners. You might want to read this: Top 15 Best Calculators for College Students | 2022 Ranking

Best College Podcasts’ Episodes You Can Start With

Podcasts are a terrific way to learn while having fun in your spare time. However, knowing where to start might be challenging, which is why we’ve made a list of a few of the greatest podcast episodes for college students to start with.

#1 Matthew Shepard | You’re Wrong About

In this episode, host Michael Hobbes and Sarah Marshall speak with guest Michael Owens about the murder of Matthew Shepard. Mathew Shepard was a gay university student, and his case has been misrepresented in the media. Anyone interested in journalism, the gay rights struggle, or social justice should listen to this episode.

#2 Not Counting Is the Key: The 6th Anniversary Special! | My Favorite Murder

In this episode, hosts Karen Kilgariff and Georgia Hardstark delve into the history of pleading insanity in the case of Aundria Bowman’s murder. This episode is great for true crime, law, and history fans alike and it will give you a good idea of the type of show My Favorite Murder is. Try this out: 10 Best Online Free Education Websites for Adults

#3 Ask Unladylike: Mean Office Ladies | Unladylike

The Mean Office Lady cliché in popular media such as The Office and The Devil Wears Prada is discussed in this episode of Unladylike. They encourage women to help one another. They also touch on apologies and what constitutes a feminist marriage.

#4 How to Be Better | TED Radio Hour

In this episode, TED speakers address the common hazards of self-help advice. Although there is no quick fix for self-improvement, It does require effort. This episode is for college students who want to reduce stress, build confidence, and improve their social lives.

#5 Things You Thought You Knew | StarTalk

The StarTalk podcast “Things you thought you knew” should be considered among the best podcasts for college students due to its great content. Neil deGrasse Tyson and co-host Chuck Nice dispel common misconceptions about the world around us, such as the distinction between weight, mass, and density. If you’re searching for an episode that combines science and fun, this is a wonderful place to start. Read this: Top 15 Best College Radio Stations in the World | 2022 Ranking


College may be a frightening place. Your first year of college may also be your first time living on your own, away from friends, family, and everything familiar. But these years of studies are also one big adventure! You get chances to study new things, meet new people and discover more about yourself. With these best podcasts for college girls loaded in your preferred podcast player, you’ll be well-equipped and well-prepared to confront all obstacles that come your way. Keep winning!

Reference – The Top Podcasts for College Students to Follow – 10 Best College Student Podcasts In 2022 – The Benefits of Using Podcasts in the Classroom – The Benefits of Listening to Podcasts for Learning – What is a Podcast: Definition, Examples, and How They Work


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