A language is an act you must learn through constant practice. Patrick Rothfuss emphasizes “practice makes the master.” Learning a new language can be frustrating, especially when you have to learn it for work or other purposes aside from passion. Different science, theories, and styles have been proposed for learning a new language faster. One inherent factor among all of them is passion. Unfortunately, you may not always be driven by the passion to learn. Sometimes, learning is a prerequisite or a means to a bigger goal. In such situations, what ways do you employ to learn a new language? Well, irrespective of why you need to learn a new language, the ways you employ can make it a walk in the park. This article garners all the vital points you need to learn a language easily. It also states the 5 most useful languages to learn in 2022 and the best ways to learn a new language. The table of contents below highlights the order in which these questions were duly answered.

What are the 5 Most Useful Languages to Learn in 2022?

The most useful languages to learn in 2022 for you will depend on your personality. To get started, consider your social and business status. This will help you determine what languages will increase your influence and bring you more opportunities. If you’re still at loss on what to learn, consider learning one of the five most widely spoken languages in the world. In selecting these useful languages, this article puts into consideration the following factors: number of speakers; geographic region; usability and versatility, and career opportunities. The most useful languages in 2022 include Mandarin Chinese, Spanish, German, French, and English.

What is the Best and Easiest Language to Learn?

Basically, no language is best to learn at any time. The best language for you depends on what you need at the time. For instance, Mandarin Chinese is best for a business tycoon who seeks to plunge into the Chinese marketplace. An English student who needs to study in a French-speaking country would have to learn French to cope at school. So, your language need should determine what is best for at the moment. Babbel.com posits that Norwegian is the easiest language for English speakers to pick up. This implies that the easiest language to learn for you may be greatly influenced by the languages you speak currently. According to Babble’s list, Swedish, Spanish, Dutch, and Portuguese top the chart of easiest languages to learn in the world.

How Long Does it Take to Learn a Language?

Well, there is no accrued time to how long it takes to learn a new language. Your personality, commitment to growth, and consistency are some of the determinants of how long it may take you. Foreign Service Institute opines that committing 10 hours a day to learn a new language will result in fluency in 48 days for easy languages and 72days for difficult languages. An FSI research shows that typically it takes 480 hours to reach basic fluency in group 1 languages and 720 hours for group 2-4 languages. Generally, these figures can be influenced by your exposure and commitment. This implies if you put in more hours, you may start speaking a new language in lesser days.

Is 1 hour a day Enough to Learn a Language?

If you are trying to fine-tune your skills, 1 hour a day may be enough to learn a new language. However, 1hour a day must be followed by many hours of constant practice. For instance, you can learn the theoretical of a new language for one hour after which you spend the rest of your day practicing what you have learned.

What are the Best Ways to Learn a Language for the First Time?

Lao Tzu opines that he who knows himself is enlightened. Attaining a level of self-awareness will definitely help you choose the best way to learn a language. The first question you should answer is “what type of student are you?” Your learning strategy determines the best method you need to learn a new language. For instance, an auditory learner should do a lot of audio playing, movies, listening to channels, and audio infused way of learning. On the other hand, a verbal learner must find a means to continuously try speaking the new language. This way, he/she learns faster. Generally, the best program to learning a language for the first time is to combine all the learning strategies at your disposal. Employing these learning types will earn you all the effects. In a nutshell, the best ways to learn are summarized into the proven tips below:

#1. Make Learning a Language Fun

One way to learn a new thing is to have fun with it. Have you ever wondered why street slangs sticks faster than school work? There is no extra requirement than to speak the former, the latter demands you pass an exam. If you are learning a new language either for leisure or duty calls – go through the learning phase less pressured. Simon Ager, a lingo expert opines that you should not worry about not understanding everything. Basically, nothing makes sense on the first day. Consistency gives it clarity. So, practice with every new word you learn without fear of making mistakes or sounding foolish. Simply learn from each mistake and have fun while doing that. Learning a new language entails listening, speaking, learning, and unlearning.

#2. Make Learning a Language Fun Set Attainable Goals

While you are having fun at learning a new language, your set goals will help you trace your progress. The goals must be attainable. Attainable implies cutting your goals into small bits. You should narrow your focus and stop worrying about perfection at this point. According to Fluentu.com, people who set the right kind of goals are more likely to achieve success. The right kind of goal must focus on specific, tangible outcomes. This method of learning a new language is quite effective. For instance, if you have three months to learn a language for the first time, set a goal to learn alphabets in one week. Another goal may read “learn 30-50 new words in the second week” or ” write ten sentences with the new language.”

#3. Make New Friends

This is one way to learn a lingo faster, especially, if you’re a verbal learner. Try to speak what you’ve learned over time. If you can, make new friends who speak the language you are learning. Strike a conversation and chat often with your new friends using the new language. You may make mistakes, but they should not discourage you from trying. According to Go Abroad.com, friendship is one way to get comfortable with slang, intonation, and mannerisms. Majorly, friendship allows you to practice freely without feeling self-conscious or on the spot.

#4. Implore Constant Practice

Olly Richards, a lingo expert that speaks eight lingos opine that regular and consistent study over time is the key to getting results. Actually, you would have downtimes. Periods where you lack motivation, where you may not have enough time to study will come. You would need discipline and consistency to pull through. This is usually obtainable in situations where you need to learn as a means to achieving a goal. Irrespective of why you need to learn, consistency will go a long way to aid you to perfect your speaking skills. Try to infuse every new word you learn into a context while speaking. Most times it may be wrong. But do not be dismayed. Keep learning and practicing.

#5. Be Teachable as School Kid

A faster way to learn a language for the first time, is to be “vulnerable” like a school kid. Ever been in a nursery class? School kids learn a new lingo without fear of being criticized – be like them. See your learning process as that of a school kid who is learning a language -babbling, cooing and repeating. Elementary school kids always get a pen pal. Copy these kids by getting an international pen pal and trade language expertise and knowledge. Always exchange letters, and edit each other’s letter without changing the original idea. With these, you can sharpen your writing skills in the foreign language you are learning for the first time.

#6. Master The Structure of the Language

Teddy Nee speaks six languages and is currently learning three languages. He recommends lingo learners should focus on learning the following first; WH phrases, basic tenses, grammatical structure, numbers, day, and time. Also, learning frequently used verbs and pronouns will go a long way to aid you to learn a lingo faster. It is one of the best methods to learn a lingo. Especially, if you need to start speaking as soon as possible. As earlier stated in this article, practice makes learning a new lingo easier. Since you have to start speaking as soon as possible, pay attention to words, phrases, and how to construct simple sentences. For instance, if you are learning how to speak English, once you understand parts of speech and sentence structure, you can easily construct a simple sentence when conversing.

#7. Be Engulfed in Your Learning Spree

John Fotheringham, the founder of L2 mastery, posits that language is learned at a subconscious level when we get sufficient input and practice. So, be engulfed in your learning spree. Ninety percent of your time should be spent in the language and not just in learning. Consciously surround yourself with the language – reading content, communicating with native speakers, and exchanging pen pals with your pal-mate. Emily Liedl who speaks over six languages, emphasizes the importance to fall in love with both the language and culture.

#8. Study for Longer Periods

Although it is possible to learn a lingo in 1 hour a day, studying longer hours will help you achieve more. So, if you want to learn faster, up your study hour. Try communicating in your new language one to two hours a day. With this, you can ascertain your growth level and focus on things you can do better. This is one of the best methods to learn.

#9. Be Easy on Yourself

In the beginning, it may seem it’s a total waste of time. Keep in mind that it may not be easy initially. If you quit at this point, it will eventually be a total waste of time. However, if you remain consistent, everything will start to pick out bits and pieces and eventually fall into place. Be patient with yourself while learning. The more exposed you get to the parlance, the more it all starts to click.

#10. Master Pronunciation

The best way to learn a word is to master its pronunciation and know its meaning. Mastering pronunciations will improve your ability to remember words and usage. While learning, carve out time to learn the right pronunciation. Avoid pronouncing anyhow with the intention to change when you become fluent. To remember pronunciation, you can make flashcards and paste them at strategic positions. If you know how to transcribe, attach the transcription to each word, place them on your mirrors, walls, and others where you can easily see it.

#11. Align your new language with your passion

In most cases, passion may not be the reason why you need to learn a new language. In such cases, build your passion around your learning spree. For instance, if you love playing games, find a way to learn languages through games. Music lovers download a lot of music in that language to enhance their learning spree. Basically, play word games with the new language. Just do anything that makes you spend more time with the new language.

#12. Listen to Radio Programs

An effective way to learn faster is to listen to conversations in your target language. Listening to podcasts, radio programs and news in the language will help improve your vocabulary and conversational structures fast. Also, downloading the audio version of your favorite books will help greatly, especially if you’ve read a copy from your mother tongue.

#13. Watch Movies

Drama is a reflection of a society’s culture. And, relating to the culture of the new language is one way to learn faster. Practically, seeing a movie in your target language allows you to see scenarios where the expressions are used. Seeing movies in your target language is certified as one of the best ways to learn a language from the comfort of your home. While you watch, jot down new vocabularies and try to figure out the meanings before looking them up in a dictionary. If you want to step your game up, go out of theatres and cinemas, see movies in your target language.

#14. Take Advantage of the Internet

The advancement of technology has made virtually any learning possible. You do not need to attend a four-year traditional college to learn a new language. On the internet, you can find a course, online programs, and numerous articles that help you learn it at home. In fact, the internet and language apps are the easiest way to learn another language. Also, Google translate can help you translate expressions you do not understand at a glance. To learn a new language on the internet, research local classes, educational outlets or connect with other learners through online chat groups.

#15. Seek Out Real – Life Practice

The easiest way to learn a new language is by speaking the language. If you can, create an opportunity for situational learning. Research shows that people learn better under pressure. This strategy is used by organizations to achieve greater results. Basically, the place people with little or no knowledge of a language into full immersion situations. In no distant time, they start speaking because they have to converse, communicate, and put across ideas. If you can, travel abroad. Live in the midst of people who only speak your target language. The right motivation to learn quickly will surely resurrect. To study a foreign language, you need an hour or more daily. However, shorter periods are more likely to make it stick. To achieve this, you must be consistent with whatever learning hours you chose. Although three months may seem too small, you can learn to master a foreign language in three month under the right approach and condition. Also, what you intend to learn about your language may affect the period you need to learn a new language. To learn a new language fast, set achievable goals and try to take them step by step. Also, start using the language every day as a means of communication. Make learning a new language fun to learn faster. Mandarin Chinese is the hardest language to learn. It is also the most widely spoken language in the world. The language also doubles as the most useful language to learn in 2022. The first thing you should learn in a new language is the “Alphabet.” Afterward, learn pronunciation of words, basic sentences, and key verbs.


Learning a lingo can be exciting and intriguing. It could also be boring and frustrating. The difference is the passion and motivation behind learning a new language. Whether you have to learn a lingo for leisure or duty demands you do, this article compiles 15 best methods to learn a language for the first time.


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