With this recent development, adding flexibility to this structure is an ongoing project for many platforms. And of course, reports from National Center for Education Statistics show in fall 2018, there were 6,932,074 students enrolled in any distance education courses at degree-granting postsecondary institutions. In this article, we will talk about over 20 flexible courses you can get at access distance learning. More so, we will discuss the Access Learning platform considering its value proposition. The table of content will give you insight into every aspect of the platform we will look into.

What is Access Distance Learning?

Access Distance Learning is an organization that has a distance learning plan with a goal to create equity through additional educational offerings for all Alabama public high school students. Hence, this has spurred them to build an infrastructure wherein this is possible. Hence, this platform seeks to create equal access to high-quality instruction using an infrastructure that delivers quality learning opportunities and greater equity for all Alabama public high school students through 21st Century technology.

What are the Key Components of the ACCESS Virtual Learning Plan?

Access Distance Learning has key components that has helped it stay strong. Generally, the ACCESS VL plan provides Alabama students with access to quality instruction and coursework by blending:

21 Flexible Online Courses at Access Distance Learning in 2021

There are a plethora of online courses available for students. However, most of them lack flexibility as they have rigid patterns. When it comes to distant learning, Access Distance Learning is pushing a course and some of their best courses include:

21. Sociology

This course basically addresses culture and society, social inequalities, social institutions, and social change. This course has 0.5 credits and you need to be at the 11th and 12th-grade reading level.

20. Chemistry

This course considers the empirical concepts central to biology, earth science, environmental science, and physiology; in-depth investigations on the properties and interactions of matter including matter and its interactions, concentration of forces and motion, types of interactions, stability and instability in chemical systems, conservation of energy, energy transformations, and applications of energy to everyday life. This course has one credit and you need to have the Completion of Algebra I and Biology Recommended Alg II w/ Trig to take this course.

19. Health Education

Health Education focuses on the basic concepts of wellness and health promotion. It discusses accessing health information, products, and services, application of health decision-making and goal-setting skills, and the impact of technology on health. Health Education students receive instruction in CPR from instructors adhering to the American Heart Association or the American Red Cross methods. This course has about 0.5 credits, but there are no prerequisites.

18. Psychology

This course considers the history of psychological inquiry, methods of scientific research, human development, sensation and perception, motivation and emotion, states of consciousness, social psychology, cognition, intelligence and assessment, personality theories, stress, mental disorders, and treatments. There are no prerequisites required to take up this program as it has 0.5 credits. This is one of the best courses at access distance learning.

17. Personal Finance

This is a one-half credit course designed to introduce students to the management of personal and family resources to achieve personal goals and financial literacy. To start this course, you don’t need any prerequisites.

16. Nutrition and Wellness (Dietetics)

Nutrition and Wellness is a one-semester course that helps students understand nutrition principles for human physical and mental wellness. All conversations in this course include wellness and food choices in today’s world, digestion and major nutrients, body size and weight management, physical fitness, sports nutrition, stress and fitness, and life-span nutrition.

15. Marine Science

This one-credit course focuses on topics, processes, skills, applications, principles, and experimentation in life science. To be part of this course, you must have completed your biology, chemistry, and physics courses which give a background understanding.

14. Journalism

Journalism is a one-half credit elective course created specifically for ninth-graders that includes newspaper study, newspaper production, news information gathering, proofreading, and journalistic writing.

13. Introduction to Digital Literacy and Computer Science

This is a one-credit high school computer science course with its eyes fixed on the development of skills in computational thinking and digital literacy. Students will discover how they already act as computational thinkers, digital citizens, collaborators, analysts, and designers within their everyday lives. Students will engage in individual and collaborative projects to create authentic products.

12. Global Studies (Contemporary Issues)

This one-unit course looks into current issues from historical and geographical perspectives. Essentially, this involves a knowledge of key contemporary personalities and events that impact lives.

11. Forestry

Forestry is a one-credit course with a structure to enable students to become knowledgeable of forestry and wood technology. They place a lot of interest in dendrology, tree measurement, mapping, silviculture, and forest products. Hence, specific content standards must form a huge part of each course, as stated in the course of study chart.

10. Creative Writing

This half-credit content writing course with no prerequisites focuses on helping you build your ability in composing poetry, short stories, and critical responses. With knowledge of this course, you will get better at creating written content.

9. Content Textual Reading

This half-credit course helps students acquire skills and strategies to help them become better readers. The structure helps every student improve comprehension and vocabulary skills as well as assist students in understanding and remembering what they have read. Students will develop and apply a variety of specific reading strategies they can employ when reading fiction and nonfiction texts.

8. Computer Programming I

This one-credit course explains fundamental concepts, including an algorithmic approach to problem-solving utilizing the design and implementation of programs in selected languages. Furthermore, you get an introduction to structured programming techniques involving input/output, conditional statements, loops, files, arrays and structures, and simple data structures. To enroll in this program you must have passed the Algebra 1 advanced computer skills and hold a strong knowledge of Geometry. Conclusively, Computer Programming I will teach students the fundamentals of programming using the computer language Python.

7. Web Design

Web Design I help the student become a Web Design Intern for a virtual company called Education Designs. The student will make use of a computer each day with access to storage space on that computer. The student will learn Internet basics, HTML, and the file structure of a well-organized Web site. For a student to enroll in this one-credit access distance learning course, that student must have a firm knowledge of computer applications.

6. Career Preparedness

This is a one-credit course taught in Grades 9-12. The course prepares students with content knowledge and skills in the areas of career development and academic planning, computer skill application, and financial literacy. Additionally, this course will help the student meet the required 20-hour online experience.

5. Business Technology Applications

This is a one-credit foundation course designed to assist students in developing technological proficiencies in word processing, spreadsheets, databases, presentations, communications, Internet use, ethics, and careers using technology applications. There are no prerequisites for this one-credit course which has helped access distance learning.

4. AP Psychology

The AP Psychology course is structured to usher students to the systematic and scientific study of the behavior and mental processes of human beings and other animals. This course opens up students to the major topics of the field, the terminology and methodology of psychology, and the historical and current understanding of human behavior and thought processes. To start this program, the student should exhibit a willingness to meet rigorous academic challenges, a powerful ability to think critically, and excellent reading proficiency. And every student should attempt to take the AP Psychology Exam in order to earn college credit.

3. AP Computer Science A

The AP Computer Science A course is a computer course that focuses on developing the skills needed to write programs or parts of programs that correctly solve specific problems. The AP Computer Science A also emphasizes the design issues that make programs understandable, adaptable, and (when appropriate) reusable. To start this access distance learning course, you must have finished the Algebra I and II courses. Hence, you possess higher-order mathematical reasoning and problem-solving skills, computational understanding of functions and function notation, proficient written communication skills.

2. Forensic & Criminal Investigation

A one-credit course that focuses on the history of forensic science, criminal investigation, forensic serology and DNA, forensic studies in anthropology, toxicology, fingerprinting, firearms, physics, and document examination. This one-credit course requires you to own certain documents when studying, as the class gets progressive. This access distance learning course is so unique that it records a quality number of interested participants.

1. Accounting

This is a one-credit course designed to help students understand the basic principles of the accounting cycle. On this course, they place serious attention on basic accounting, analyzing and recording business transactions, preparing and interpreting financial statements, and performing banking and payroll activities. Access All Courses


Learning today doesn’t require you to stay in an enclosed place. You can learn borders apart and be able to replicate huge results to a great extent. Access Distance Learning offers you an opportunity to take up over 50 courses from anywhere in the world from the comfort of your home. You only need to create a flexible timetable and draw the necessary resources that allow you to start and complete a course.

