Many students all over the world choose France as their study destination because of its prestigious education systems. Whether you are an individual seeking undergraduate studies, postgraduate schooling or something else, an amazing education can easily be found in France. French universities will offer the chance to attend their institutions on a full and part-time basis, with a number of class schedules and courses available. Another good thing about studying in France is the fact that tuition fees in Public schools are quite low and affordable ranging from €200 to €100 per year. That’s quite affordable, you will agree with me! Today’s post will focus on low tuition universities in France, the cost of living, admission application times, scholarships, and a list of public universities.

Cost of Living

The cost of living for students in France varies from city to city. Big cities like Paris tend to have high living costs. But on average, the living cost in France is estimated at €500 to €700 per month which covers the cost of food, accommodation, books, and clothing for one month.

Admission Application times

The academic year in France starts on 1st October and ends on 30 June. However, students are advised to start their admission application early, around January. The academic year is divided into two as follows:

The first semester; starts early October and ends late JanuaryThe second semester; starts early February and ends late May

Work and Study

Students can work part-time for up to 20 hours per week at a national minimum hourly wage of €9.53 per hour. Please note that students who are not nationals of EU member countries must hold a valid residency permit to be eligible for work while studying.

Scholarships in France

There are lots of scholarships for students to study in France. However, the student will need to apply early with a good essay and other required documents to stand a chance of being selected. Click here to access some of these scholarships and apply to the ones you meet the requirement. I have compiled a list of these low tuition universities and am posting it here so you can contact the school directly and get more information.

Comprehensive list of low tuition universities in France


Here is the comprehensive list of the low-tuition schools in France. If you are on a budget, check out these days.