It all starts with choosing the right medical school. Thus, choosing Avalon University School of Medicine is the best choice you can make. Avalon University School of Medicine (AUSOM) is one of the premier Caribbean medical schools. AUSOM focuses on high quality medical education and training to enable international medical students and graduates to obtain medical approval and an internship. In this writing, we will explore more information about Avalon University School of Medicine; its Admission, Programs, Tuition, Ranking and Scholarships.

About the Avalon University School of Medicine

Avalon University School of Medicine (AUSOM) (formerly Xavier University School of Medicine in Bonaire) is a private medical school in Willemstad, Curacao, in the Caribbean. AUSOM awards its graduates the doctor of medicine (MD). The university’s administrative offices are in Youngstown, Ohio. With our designed small class sizes averaging just 30 students per class, this attractive student-teacher ratio offers students the experience of individual attention in our intensive program for medical faculties.

When was Avalon University School of Medicine founded?

AUSOM was founded in 2003 in Bonaire, Netherlands Antilles (now known as the Caribbean Netherlands) as the Xavier University School of Medicine. In 2010 the university moved to Curaçao and changed its name to Avalon University School of Medicine to differentiate it from another university with the same name.

How long is Avalon University School of Medicine to study?

The curriculum for the Doctor of Medicine is four years. AUSOM works on a three-semester schedule with an ongoing admissions process. Students can register with AUSOM on any of the three starting dates. Classes start in January, May and September. Each semester lasts 15 weeks, with a short break between semesters. First- and second-year students study basic science courses on the Curaçao campus. After completing the basic sciences, the students begin shortly after the start of our fifth semester with a duration of 14 weeks. Third year students attend an 8-week course at the Admissions Office in Youngstown, Ohio to orientate themselves towards clinical trials, prepare for the USMLE Step 1 exam, and get an overview of applying for US residency. After completing USMLE Step 1, students begin their clinical rotations. AUSOM requires students to complete 72 weeks of clinical rotation in our affiliated teaching hospitals in the US and Curaçao. Students who pass the USMLE exam will spend the final 18 months of clinical traineeship in the United States, including 24 weeks of elective internship for fourth-year students. The first 8 weeks is the board preparation part that will be completed in the island of Curacao and the last 6 weeks is the clinical medicine introduction part that will be completed in Beckley, West Virginia.

Avalon University School of Medicine Accreditations

The accreditation is an essential milestone in the continued growth and success of the Avalon University School of Medicine. Avalon University School of Medicine (AUSOM) states it was chartered by the Curacao government to offer an MD degree. AUSOM is listed in the World Directory of Medical Schools. As Avalon University School of Medicine continues to rise in the rankings of medical schools in the Caribbean, earning ACCM accreditation will help cement its status as one of the top medical schools in the Caribbean. In 2019, AUSOM was accredited by the Caribbean Accreditation Authority for Medicine and Other Health Professions (CAAM-HP) and the Accreditation Commission of Medical Schools (ACCM), which makes them officially recognized by the World Federation of Medical Education (WFME). AUSOM is listed on the Medical Council of India and recognized by the Medical Council of Canada and is on the Canadian Government’s List of Designated Educational Institutions. Avalon University School of Medicine is also listed by:

ECFMG (Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates)IMED (International Medical Education Directory)WHO (World Health Organization)

This means that AUSOM graduates are eligible to practice medicine in North America and most countries around the world.

Avalon University School of Medicine Academic Programs

Avalon University School of Medicine (AUSOM) offers comprehensive medical training to prepare students for medical practice in the United States, Canada, and most countries around the world. AUSOM students have a curriculum modeled after US medical schools and are taught and trained in both basic and clinical sciences to be competent physicians. It begins with a pre-medical program that includes the undergraduate courses, which are the foundation courses required for the MD program.

Premed program

The pre-medical curriculum is designed to provide college graduates or students who have not fully met the requirements for the MD program with a solid foundation in the sciences to prepare them for the MD program. It comprises four semesters of focused pre-medical coursework in which successful students are automatically accepted into the MD program. The Avalon University School of Medicine medical requirements are met in Curacao.

Medical program

Basic Sciences

Avalon University School of Medicine’s accelerated medical program is designed to prepare students to become versatile practicing physicians. Since English is the language of instruction and the language of assessment, our curriculum is based on the US medical schools. The first 16 months focus on gaining basic scientific knowledge in preparation for an exciting experience during the years of clinical science. The aim of the medical program is to create the necessary basis for admission and to be in the best position to receive a residency upon graduation. The fifth semester will combine the basic and clinical sciences. The fifth semester includes 12 weeks of comprehensive review of the basic sciences.

Clinical sciences

The Avalon University School of Medicine clinical science program is for students who wish to apply their basic science knowledge in a hospital under the direct supervision of practicing physicians. With hands-on training and patient interaction, students build on their medical knowledge. Avalon students have the option to complete the required 72 weeks of clinical rotation at our affiliated teaching hospitals in the United States.

Avalon University School of Medicine Tuition Fee

Considered one of the most affordable accredited medical schools in the Caribbean, the school has become an amazing study destination for many medical students. It is noteworthy that the lessons do not include room and board, books or accessories and are subject to change at any time without notice. Below is a summary of the tuition fees.

Premed – $18,000Basic Science – $33,700Clinical Science – $54,600

Avalon University School of Medicine Admission

Avalon University School of Medicine uses a holistic approach to considering a candidate’s skills and providing a balanced assessment of experience, attributes, and academic metrics. Factors that carry weight during our admissions process include academic record, personal essay, letters of recommendation, and commitment to the public and the profession.

To apply for the 4-year MD program, an applicant must have completed at least 90 credit hours of college coursework. A bachelor’s degree, including pre-medical study achievements, is preferred, but is not a requirement.To apply for the 5-year Premed / MD program, an applicant must have a high school diploma.If you have not yet graduated from high school / secondary school, you should be within six months of graduating from your high school / secondary school before starting your application.To apply as a transfer student from another medical school, an applicant must transfer from an accredited US or Canadian medical school or an international medical school listed on the World Directory of Medical Schools.

All transfer student criteria are checked individually.

How to Apply into Avalon University School of Medicine

A complete application to Avalon University School of Medicine should include:

AUSOM application form

Apply online OR Download the PDF application form A non-refundable registration fee of $50.00

Personal Essay

Must be entered with a line spacing of 1.5 and at least one page and a maximum of two pages. Explain why the applicant is pursuing a career in medicine, what makes them a potential asset for AUSOM, and what key achievements or additional information would be helpful for the admissions committee in evaluating their application. Must contain the full name of the applicant.

CV or résuméOfficial transcriptsAll official transcripts from every college / university, medical and / or professional school the applicant has attended

These must be sent directly from the facility to the AUSOM Ohio office. Unofficial transcripts can be uploaded to the application until the official transcript has been received in order to review them and to assist the admissions committee in making a timely decision. Official transcripts must be received by Avalon University within your first semester.

Two letters of recommendation

At least one must be an academic letter of recommendation. This letter must be from a science professor who has taught the applicant and is familiar with the applicant’s academic skills. The “professional letter” can be from a non-scientific professor or employer, medical colleague or other professional who can confirm the applicant’s character, academic or professional abilities.

Digital photo

Other application requirements:

Candidates who have taken MD courses at an allopathic or osteopathic school must submit a “Dean’s letter” in addition to the certificates from these institutions.MCAT scores are not required for consideration.All students must submit a Police Clearance Certificate to AUSOM prior to the start. Applicants who are found violations during a background check may lead to decisions by the admissions committee being reversed.The AUSOM admissions committee may require any applicant to have TOEFL or IELTS test scores if it is found that proficiency in English could affect that student’s academic success at AUSOM. Applicants should aim for a TOEFL score of 90 or better (total internet-based number, or equivalent for computer or paper-based versions) or an IELTS score of 7.0 (total tape score) or better.An international applicant completing their required academic courses at an English-speaking academic institution may be exempt from this requirement.

Avalon University School of Medicine Review Exam

Once the application and documents have been reviewed and the minimum requirements have been met, the applicant will be scheduled for a video interview via Skype with a member of the admissions committee. When considering an application, it will assess academic performance, exposure to the medical profession, volunteer and work experience, and extracurricular activities, although this is not strictly necessary. It is recommended that you dress professionally during your interview, be on time, and treat the video conference as if you were meeting in person. The interviews usually last around 45 minutes

Are there Scholarships in Avalon University School of Medicine?

Of course, there are a number of scholarship options for incoming applicants. Students who qualify for these scholarships are expected to obtain additional information from the admissions department. Most scholarships and grants are paid once in the semester in which the student applies for enrollment. Let’s take a look at some of the scholarships and their requirements.

Award-winning scholarships

The ACT / SAT scholarship cannot be combined with the GPA scholarships. If you qualify for both, the one with the higher amount will be awarded.

ACT / SAT Scholarship – (≥ 24 on ACT) or (≥ 1150 on SAT) ($1,000)Chancellor Scholarship: 3.70 GPA or better ($2,000)Presidential Scholarship: 3.45 – 3.69 GPA ($1,500)Dean’s Scholarship: 3.15-3.44 GPA ($1,000)Director Scholarship: 3.00 – 3.14 GPA ($750)

Basic science scholarships

The cumulative GPA of the college / university, premed programs, and / or medical schools (for transfer applicants) determines eligibility and is awarded by the admissions committee upon acceptance.The student must maintain the total GPA in order to continue to receive a scholarship amount.During the Clinical Science program, students must pass USMLE Level 1 on the first attempt and maintain their established GPA in order to receive the scholarship.Students can qualify for additional scholarships if they meet the overall GPA requirements for each semester.

Chancellor Scholarship: 3.70 GPA or better can receive up to $ 20,000 ($ 2,000 per semester) Presidential Scholarship: 3.45-3.69 GPA can receive up to $ 15,000 ($ 1,500 per semester) Dean Scholarship: 3.20-3.44 GPA may receive up to $ 10,000 ($ 1,000 per semester).

Clinical Science Grants

Students must pass USMLE Level 1 on their first attempt, with Avalon University School of Medicine being their sponsorship intuition, to qualify for the following scholarships.

Gold – USMLE Step 1 Score: 225 and above ($1,000 one-time)Orange – USMLE Step 1 Score: 200-224 ($750 one-time)Blue – USMLE Step 1 Score: Pass to 199 ($​​500 one-time)


Avalon University School of Medicine takes great pride in ensuring that all students are pointing in the right direction to be successful. Her goal is that all students are moulded into versatile physicians who display the compassion, integrity, and honesty that are essential to medical practice.

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