This scholarship is often regarded as one of the most competitive and prestigious international fellowships available to American graduate students. I’ll take you on a ride on how to get an opportunity to enjoy the benefits of this scholarship.

About Churchill College

The Churchill College at Cambridge was founded in honor of Sir. Winston Churchill in 1958 he met his American friends Lewis W. Douglas, John Loeb, and Carl Gilbert to ask them to create a mechanism for young Americans to study at the college with the primary focus on engineering, mathematics, and sciences. Winston Churchill Foundation of the United States was established as a nonprofit charitable organization, in the year 1959. The foundation initially made travel grants to Churchill Overseas Fellows, distinguished senior faculty from American colleges and Universitiesnwho would spend a sabbatical year at the college. Eight of the Churchill Fellows won the Noble Prize. The first Churchill Scholarships, three in number, were awarded in 1963 and it funded one year of study. Subsequently, the Scholarships were available either for one-year programs or for doctoral studies at Cambridge. In 1980, in the quest to increase the number of Churchill scholars the foundation decided to support only one-year programs. This scholarship has awarded around 550 Churchill scholarships since 1963.The Winston Churchill Foundation currently awards fifteen Scholarships which is worth between $50,000 and $60,000 depending on exchange rate, covering all university and college tuition (currently about $25,000) at Cambridge University, a living allowance, visa fees up to $1,500 for travel between the United Kingdom and United States and additional $2,000 Special Research Grant. The one-year awards lead to the Masters of Philosophy (MPhil), the Certificate of Advanced Study (CAS in theoretical or applied mathematics), the Certificate of Post-Graduate Study (CPGS in different fields) and a Diploma (in Computer Science). Furthermore, this post will critically address all your questions concerning Churchill Scholarship and most importantly help you with the easy steps on how to successfully apply for the scholarship so as to enjoy all the benefits allocated for every successful Churchill scholar.

What Is Churchill Scholarship?

The Churchill Scholarship is awarded by the Winston Churchill Foundation of the United States to graduates of the more than one hundred colleges and universities invited to participate in the Churchill Scholarship Program, for the pursuit of research and study in the physical and natural sciences, mathematics,

Who is Churchill?

Sir Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill was a British politician, army officer, and writer. He was Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1940 to 1945, when he led Britain to victory in the Second World War, and again from 1951 to 1955.

What is the Churchill Award?

Churchill Fellowships are a life-changing opportunity for UK citizens to research innovations worldwide and make change happen when they return. Churchill Fellows are fully funded to research new ideas and best practices overseas for 4-8 weeks, in topics and countries of their own choice.

How Much is Churchill Scholarship?

The Winston Churchill Foundation currently awards fifteen Scholarships which is worth between $50,000 and $60,000 depending on the exchange rate, covering all university and college tuition (currently about $25,000) at Cambridge University, a living allowance, visa fees up to $1,500 for travel between the United Kingdom and the United States and additional $2,000 Special Research Grant.

Eligibility and Selection Criteria

Significantly, fewer institutions are allowed to nominate candidates for the Churchill scholarship (Presently 110 institutions as compared to at least 240 institutions for the Marshall over 320 institutions for the Rhodes, and at least 415 institutions for the Mitchell). Furthermore, each institution may nominate only two candidates to Churchill Scholarship, so the endorsed candidate pool is initially very selective. Eligibility. Applicant for the Churchill Scholarship must be a citizen of the United States , either native or nationalized, and must be a student who has graduated from of the institutions participating in the scholarship within the past one year or a senior who is enrolled in one of the institutions. A Churchill Scholar must have acquired a bachelor’s degree or it’s equivalent and may not have attained a doctorate degree. Selection Criteria: Outstanding academic achievement, especially in the major, as indicated by course grades.The Foundation does not require a minimum GPA, but recent Churchill Scholars have had a GPA of at least 3.7 and usually have 3.9 or above. Proven talent in research and a capacity to contribute the advancement of knowledge in engineering, mathematics and in the sciences by pursuing creative work at an advanced level as demonstrated by awards, prizes ,research and letters of recommendation. Applicants in the sciences and engineering will demonstrate extensive laboratory experience, internships, or other related work, while applicants in mathematics will show substantial independent work or other projects. Outstanding personal qualities. Understanding the time commitment required by research, the Churchill Foundation does not seek “well rounded” applicants,Instead it seek applicants with interesting “jagged edges”. Nonetheless, successful applicants display a very confusing array of talents activities outside academic pursuits, or a disability or any other characteristic protected by law. Host Nationality The Churchill Scholarship is hosted in the United States. You can take a look at other scholarships in USA.

Eligible Nationality:

The Churchill scholarship is eligible to the US students. Check out other scholarships to study abroad.

Deadline for Churchill Scholarship is as follows:

2023-10-31: National Deadline 2023-10-11: Estimated Cambridge University Application Deadline 2023-04-28: Campus Deadline

How To Apply

To participate, you must register with the Churchill Scholarship through Applicants are evaluated by a committee panel of USC faculty. The panel has endorsed students from a wide range of majors, career goals and leadership experiences. While there is no standard portfolio for a successful candidate, there are some general evaluation guidelines that the faculty committee typically follows: Performing at the level of an advanced graduate student.Letters of recommendation that represent work both inside and outside of USC.Substantial research and publication experience. (The committee recognizes that the form publications take can look different across fields.) Visit the Churchill Scholarship webpage for more information. Apply Here


Winston Churchill Scholarship is pleased to inform you that application for the 2023 Churchill Scholarship is currently ongoing. This article will provide you with all the necessary information and a step-by-step guide on how to register and successfully become an awardee of this scholarship. All you need do now is to gather all the eligibility requirements, click the apply button and register.

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