Types of Confucius Institute Scholarships

Scholarship for a Master in Teaching Chinese for Spokespersons of Other Languages ​​(MTCSOL):

Early September 2021 and scholarship for up to two academic years. Candidates must have a bachelor’s degree and have a minimum score of 210 on the HSK test (level 5) and 60 on the HSKK test (intermediate level). Applicants who may submit a notarized document of the employment contract are preferred.

The Scholarship for one academic year (Chinese language and literature):

At the beginning of September 2021, scholarship of a maximum duration of 11 months. International students currently studying in China are excluded from participation. Candidates must obtain a minimum score of 180 on the HSK test (level 4) and a minimum score of 60 on the HSKK test (intermediate level).

Scholarship for one semester (Chinese language and literature):

Starts in September 2021 or March 2022 and scholarship of a maximum duration of 5 months. Applicants who retain Visa X1 or X2 are not eligible. Candidates must have a minimum score of 180 on the HSK test (level 3) and a required score on the HSKK test.

Host Nationality:

The Scholarship is hosted in China. The Scholarship is aimed at Imbibing Chinese Cultures to the International Communities

Eligible Nationality:

The Scholarship is aimed at funding fees for International Students

Scholarship Worth:

The Confucius Institute Scholarship fully covers tuition, accommodation, living expenses, and comprehensive health insurance. The Fully Funded Scholarship is a renewable scholarship.


The Applicant must be a Non-Chinese citizensA good physical and mental condition, good school, and behavioral performanceWanted to pursue careers in the field of teaching or international promotion of the Chinese languageSeptember 1, 2021, between 16 and 35 years old. Candidates who are currently working as Chinese teachers cannot exceed the age limit of 45

How to Apply

For application, log on to the ZJU online application system and Confucius Institute Scholarships website to register, complete the Application Form online, and upload the scanned copies of relevant supporting documents.Contact Recommending Institutions: Confucius Institutes and Confucius classrooms which have been in operation for more than six months. For more information, refer to www.hanban.org.Testing centers for the Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK) which have the right to recommend Confucius Institute Scholarship candidates. For information, refer to www.chinesetest.cn.Oversea organizers of Chinese Bridge Competition: education and cultural offices (groups) of China’s oversea embassies (consulates), Confucius Institute, and relevant educational institutions. Host institutions will review the eligibility of applicants, and Hanban will conduct an overall assessment of all applications and admit applicants on the basis of competitive selection.After confirming with the successful applicants, host institutions will post the Admission documents. A copy of the scholarship certificate can be printed out from the CIS website. The student should register at host institutions at the designated date and time as per the letter of admission.

NOTE: Applicants of Master’s Degree in Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages (MTCSOL) MUST submit or post all the following application materials to the Confucius Institute Office at Zhejiang University before the deadline. The application package should be labeled “Confucius Institute Scholarship Application ”.

How To APPLY(Continuation)

Application Form for Admission to Zhejiang University pasted with a recent photograph (white background, 35mm×45mm in size). Applicants shall fill in and submit the application form via the ZJU online application system first, then print and sign the Application Form produced by the online application system.Confucius Institute Scholarship Application Form.A photocopy of the passport.Highest degree certificates, which must be original documents or notarized copies. If applicants are university students, they shall provide an official pre-graduation certificate showing their student status and stating the expected graduation date. Documents in languages other than Chinese or English must be attached with notarized translations in Chinese or English.Academic transcripts during Bachelor’s degree study, which must be original documents or notarized copies. Documents in languages other than Chinese or English must be attached with notarized translations in Chinese or English.Photocopies of Chinese proficiency certificates.Personal statement, in Chinese or English, should include study and work experience, reasons for application, and study proposal. No less than 1500 words.Two letters of recommendation from full professors or associate professors, in Chinese or English. (Professors’ signature, contact phone number, and email address must be put on the letter.)Published academic papers or other academic achievements. (If any)Form for Provisional Acceptance of International Student by ZJU Professor. (If any)The notarized employment agreement with teaching institutions. (If any)Applicants currently worked as Chinese language teachers shall provide proof of employment as well as a reference letter by the employing institution.


a) May 20th (for those commencing in September)b) November 20th (for those commencing in March 2021) Hanban will complete the scholarship review and notify the results three months before enrollment of the admitted students. For more information, visit the Confucius Institute Scholarship.