When faced with writing an internship cover letter, there is no need for you to fret. Some may have told you that you need to be an expert with writing or work experience to write a good internship letter. That is not entirely true. There is nothing that you can’t learn if you receive proper guidance. So in this post, we will not only give you tips to write the best internship letter but also provide you samples that won the positions applied for. You will also learn the step by step procedure of writing a cover letter – from the start to the close. Stay with us!

What is an Internship Cover Letter?

Without being too philosophic about this, a cover letter is one of the application tools that advertises or sells you to your employer. Another tool that serves this same purpose is your Curriculum Vitae. This is why when applying for most jobs, the employer will ask you to submit your CV and cover letter. A job is not so different from an internship position. In fact, it is a job – your first real work experience in the career you have chosen. So you see, you have to treat it the same way you treat a job that will put cash in your pocket. It is even more so as many internship positions out there pay the interns for their services. So, don’t fume or kick up dust when you see an internship position asking you to submit a CV and a cover letter. Like your entry-level job, the employer needs your cover letter because it: For this reason, even if your employer does not specify submitting an internship cover letter, submit one – unless they clearly specify not to.

How Should I Structure My Intern Cover Letter?

Many people are afraid to write a cover letter for internship positions because they don’t know what should get into it and how. This is a question of structuring your internship letter. You may have been writing a lot of letters to your friend or your lover in another city, so you have an idea of how to structure a letter. But that informal letter writing has a structure that contrasts with that of a cover letter. For one, internship cover letters are formal letters. So, while there will be an initial difference in the appearance of both letter – the addresses – there will be a contextual difference too in the body of the letter. Each paragraph of your internship letter addresses one of the points that your employer is looking for. So, this is a chronologic checklist of what your intern cover letter should have. Are you asking how you can implement this in your internship letter? Read the tips below to get an idea of what your employer really requires you to write.

What Are the Tips to Writing a Good Intern Cover Letter?

We will give you sample internship cover letters well-formatted with the structure above way down this post. But first, let’s really understand what most employers want in an internship cover letter. Here are tips you should pay close attention to so as to write a perfect internship cover letter that will win you the position.

1. Use the Business Letter Writing Format

Don’t forget that you are attaching your cover letter with the internship application for a job position. You are in for business and you need to be formal about it. Use the business letter writing format for your internship letter. This implies that you include your contact information with the date and the contact information of your employer at the top of the page. Provide a salutation afterward, and sign your name at the bottom when you’re done writing the letter. You will get a clearer picture of this in our internship cover letter samples.

2. State the Position You Are Applying For

You did not just decide to write an internship letter for the fun of it, right? There is actually a purpose why you are writing the internship letter. That purpose, of course, is to apply for a position. Start your cover letter by clearly stating the purpose of your letter. This comes in the first paragraph and helps show your employer that you have actually thought deeply about the position and not merely tweaking a general cover letter.

3. Use the Right Keywords

This is very important! If you remember the internship position advert you read before the application, you will remember that the employer stated skills and qualities they are looking for. These are your keywords and if your internship letter doesn’t have this, you are simply saying hi to the employer – which is not what you want to do. You will get these keywords in the job description of the internship position. Qualities like “time management skill” and “interpersonal skills” are types of keywords you will find an internship position adverts.

4. Add a Relevant Coursework

You are applying for an internship position to build upon a career you are currently studying at college, right? This means that you may not have relevant work experience to back up why you are the best fit for the position. This does not mean, however, that you are unfit for the internship position. Adding your relevant coursework shows the employer that you are really passionate about the industry. They once took this path you’re taking, right? Meanwhile, by including relevant coursework, we mean that if you’re applying for an internship position in an accounting firm, be sure to list accounting courses you have taken as well as accomplishments you’ve gathered.

5. Refer to Relevant Skills

You may be applying to an internship position that your coursework does not backup. Well, it doesn’t make you unfit for the position still. Some positions may not compel applicants to have certain educational requirements. There could be certain skills and experiences they’re looking for. Have you done other jobs (voluntarily or at home) that your employer will find the skills you attained from those jobs relevant? Are there extracurricular activities you’ve or you’re involved in that will suit your new role? Add these to the body of your internship cover letter. For example, if you have learned graphics design at home through online platforms, it will serve you for a graphics design position.

6. Show Why You are the Best Fit For the Role

It is not enough to add relevant coursework and refer to relevant extracurricular activities. You have to match them to the internship position you’re writing a cover letter for. So, you will need to critically look at the advertised position over and over again and answer the question of how your skills and education matches with that which is in the advert placement.

7. Explain How You Will Benefit From the Internship

Remember that the job is not just about you. While your employer needs you to fill the internship position, you also need them to gain working experience in the industry you’ve chosen. So, let your employer understand this. Describe how you would put in your best skills, education, and qualities to help the company groom you to make an impact on the company.

8. Follow Up (Optional)

How much interest you have in the position will reflect in action as well as in words. You’ve said how suitable you are for the position, right? It is only right that you should know what the employer thinks about your presentation. So, towards the end of your letter, let your employer know that you will follow up. Say in your letter that you will follow up in about a week – but skip this tip if the internship advert states that you do not contact the office. If they don’t state that, avoid stating to follow up at a time longer than one week.

9. Review and Send

Don’t send your internship cover letter before review! That’s not possible, right? Good, now ensure to go through all you have written before sending it. You will easily misspell words, punctuate wrongly, and get your grammar wrong when writing your letter. If it flows and stops then, it would be wrong. But once you’re done putting all your thoughts and ideas on paper, read through for errors. If possible, send a draft of your letter to trusted friends and family members for review.

How do I write an Internship Cover Letter?

The tips above tell you how to write an intern cover letter but that is not enough. Here, you will see the step by step guide to follow to write a perfect cover letter containing every item you have on the intern cover letter checklist. In the four steps below, you’ll see how to effectively write an internship cover letter.

Step 1: Work With the Best Internship Cover Letter Template

To become the best, you have to emulate the best and do better. Such is the case too with writing internship cover letter. You may have never written one before and thus have no experience at all in writing cover letters. At this point, you have to source for the best internship cover letter template and work with it. A very good example, which we would work it, is the sample from Zety.

Zety’s Internship Cover Letter Sample for Software Engineering

Jennifer Kovacs 2448 Frederick Street, Sacramento, CA, 94567. 555-456-654-98. jkovacs@email.com 10 November 2019Matthew PetersenSenior Product ManagerAppleOne Infinite LoopCupertino, CA 95014 Dear Matthew, I was thrilled to see my iOS app for task management getting rave reviews from App Store users and commendations from more experienced developers on GitHub. But this is only one out of three apps that I am working on after my classes at CalTech, from which I am about to graduate with a BA in Computer Science. Truth be told, I am quite positive that the other apps will also be well-received since—inspired by Apple engineers—I design them with one person in mind. The person who will use it. This is why apart from completing a study program in algorithms and complexity, I took additional courses in UI/UX and graphic design as well as consumer psychology. When Doctor Sarah Warren suggested I applied for the internship, she was spot on. I believe that Apple’s unique approach to building intuitive and simple software while respecting the customer’s needs creates the environment I would love to grow in and contribute to. Can we schedule a call this week to discuss my ideas on how I can contribute to the projects I would be working on with some of the best software engineers on the planet? Best regards, Jennifer Kovacs PS—I would love to show you how my A/B testing initiatives helped me optimize the navigation panel.

Let’s Dissect This:

You need a good internship cover letter sample to help you with formatting. You will see that the letter above has all the elements in the intern cover letter checklist. From your contact details to the postscript. So to get started, download this exact internship cover letter sample by clicking the DOWNLOAD button below and begin editing to suit the position you’re applying for. In respect to this, ensure to read the internship advert you are applying for before you start typing. See that you meet the specific skills, coursework, and experience that the employer is looking out for.

Step 2: Be Impressive from the Start

You know, the first impression always leaves a lasting mark. Hence, start with your first sentence to impress your employer. It’s just like reading a short story. The first line tells you whether you would invest your time in reading or not. You don’t want the hiring manager to hastily drop your letter and pick that of the next candidate, right? So, what should your first paragraph look like?

What Most People Will Write:

Dear [Name of Recruiter], I would love an opportunity to work as an intern in your company. If I’m selected, I’ll put in all my effort and ensure that my passion rubs off on everything duty I perform. I’ve completed strenuous academic coursework at MIT and would soon earn my BA in Computer Science. In addition to this…

What You Should Write:

Dear [Name of Recruiter], I was thrilled to see my iOS app for task management getting rave reviews from App Store users and commendations from more experienced developers on GitHub. But this is only one out of three apps that I am working on after my classes at CalTech, from which I am about to graduate with a BA in Computer Science. Truth be told, I am quite positive that the other apps will also be well-received since—inspired by Apple engineers—I design them with one person in mind. The person who will use it.


What did you notice from the two examples above? The first example may not be wrong in any way but it misses an element someone else’s cover letter would have. So imagine the recruiter selects just two and your counterpart has the second example… Now, the first example is cool in its way but it is quite a cliche. Why? Most applicants would promise to be hardworking, have a passion for the job, are in the process of earning a degree, and have completed relevant coursework. The employer knows all these, and so they need someone who has actually done more than these. Someone who has some achievement. This kind of candidate comes off to the employer as one with more action and less promise. That is where the second example gets it right. Drop your biggest achievement like a bomb and sustain it by:

Step 3: Write Killer Internship Cover Letter Middle Sections

Once you have navigated past the introduction, you need to eat into the second paragraph. Remember that the second paragraph talks about your relevant skills and why you fit perfectly for the internship position. The employer is looking to employ the right intern who fits their job description, so this is the paragraph where you show that you are more than capable of the responsibility the person holding the position advertised would perform. So, how do you go about this?

What Most People Will Write:

I have always been interested in pursuing a career in finance which is why I am taking a degree in this field of study. I would love to prove myself in some real-life situations by applying my knowledge to solving business problems if given the chance. Also, I am a great team player as well as a creative thinker. I would be overjoyed if given the opportunity to learn and develop at your company.

What You Should Write:

I must admit it was no random win, though. I always had a strong desire to pursue a career as a leader in the finance function. As I believe the only way of reaching this goal is through adopting a results-oriented attitude reflected in initiative and accountability, I used my time at university to develop these. I also gained hands-on quantitative, analytical, and problem-solving skills by completing such courses as:

Statistical Inference in Management Analytical Methods for BusinessBusiness Communication

I would love to demonstrate to you that my GPA of 3.98 doesn’t just show my commitment to learning but also reflects my inherent passion for finances and propensity to grow among like-minded people.


Which example is better, the first or the second? Of course, the second one is better. It answers questions the employer is asking. Questions like: The internship application advert may not clearly ask these questions, but the job description listed asks these questions silently and those are what the employer expects your cover letter to answer. The second example specifically answers these questions while the first one doesn’t.

Step 4: End With a Call to Action (CTA)

You’re done with the opening, first, and second paragraphs? Now, how do you close your letter? Have at the back of your mind while writing your intern cover letter that it is not only about coming off impressive to the employer. You want them to call you for an interview, so make them call you. So, how do you do that?

What Most People Will Write:

Thank you for your time. I would gladly anticipate your feedback.

What You Should Write:

When Professor James Henry told me about an internship opportunity with TD Finance Inc., I knew this was an unmissable occasion for further growth, surrounded by outstanding financial professionals. Could we schedule an appointment next week to discuss how I could contribute to the Finance Leadership Development Program and help your company find optimal solutions to its current finance business needs? Best regards, [Your Name]


Did you say wow after reading the second ending? That’s exactly how your employer will feel. The second example is not just boldly calling the recruiter to action, it is also informing him/her that someone of note recommends you. Do you know what such a recommendation does? It takes you away from the list of the unknown to the list of the people they should actually know. By mentioning someone the hiring manager may know, you have built a rapport with that person. Now, it is clear that the first example was bland. It not only fails to give the recruiter reasons to call you but also strengthens their reason to discard your application.

Additional Internship Cover Letter Tips

Are these all you need to know about writing an internship cover letter that wins? No. Here are other milder tips you must know.

How Should I Send My Cover Letter?

Most times, the employer, through the call for internship application, will specify how you should send your cover letter. Basically, they will either ask you to send it by hand delivery or digitally. When it is digital, it is either you send it via mail or you write it in a box provided in the application portal where you submit your internship application. Most employers prefer you send your internship cover letter application via email and there are two ways you can do this:

  1. Attach your cover letter to the email: When the employer asks you to attach your internship cover letter, what you need to do is select the file from your computer and attach it to your email. Ensure to name the file correctly so as to find it with ease. Names like Jonny-Cover-Letter is a more efficient way to save your cover letter. It not only helps you find it easily on your computer, but it also helps the recruiter sort out your letter from a pile.
  2. Paste your cover letter in the body of the email. some employers will specifically demand this, some others will not specify anything. In this case, paste it directly into the body of the email and check that there are no spelling, punctuation, or grammar error.

Internship Cover Letter Samples

You now know the steps to write a good internship cover letter that will help you win internship positions. Through the sample cover letter in this post, you can easily edit it to suit the internship position you are applying for. However, it may be difficult working with an internship cover letter for a software engineering position when you’re applying for a finance position. So, we will give you cover letter samples for the following internship positions. While you can edit any of these templates, always remember that before start writing, carefully read the work description and ensure that you have all the right qualifications and coursework requirements. Simply download any of the above five internship cover letters by clicking on the name of internship letters. You can effectively write a cover letter by following these steps:1. Work with the best internship cover letter template which will guide you on how to format your letter.2. Clearly, state the purpose of your letter (the position you’re applying for) while creatig a good first impression.3. Include the right keyword in your letter.4. Show that your skills and experience match the skills and experience needed to do the job in the middle section of the body of your letter.5. Explain why you are the perfect match for the internship position, what the company will gain from hiring you, and how the position will be beneficial to you.6. End your letter with a call to action (CTA)7. Proofread your letter thoroughly for grammar, punctuation, and spelling error. If you have little or no experience at all writing an internship cover letter, you just need to follow the format below to write an internship cover letter that will win you the position.Your contact detailsThe company’s contact detailsSalutation: Dear + [Hiring Manager’s Name]1st Paragraph: Introduction with an achievement to hook your employer2nd Paragraph: Relevant skills/coursework + why you fit perfectly3rd Paragraph: Your passion + why the company appeals to you4th Paragraph: Call to actionComplimentary Close: [Best regards + your name]Postscript (optional)—One more achievement of yours. You start a cover letter by first writing the contact addresses – yours and your employers. Then you go ahead with the salutation before your very first sentence. Be direct in your opening sentences, explicitly let the reader know which position you’re applying for. State an accomplishment to solidify your skills and ability. Mention a contact if someone referred you to the position to further set you apart. Express your excitement for the position, and remember to use keywords. You should address the internship cover letter to the employer or recruiter of the company you’re applying for. Do well to know the name of the person so as to appropriately address him/her. The best greeting for the internship cover letter is Dear [the name of the recruiting manager]. Always ensure to know the employer by their name. If the name is not stated anywhere in the internship position advert, carry out some research to find out the name of the person you’re addressing the letter to. That way, the employer knows you really have an interest in the position you’re applying for and the company. If you don’t know the name of your recruiter, simply write “Dear or Sir or Madam.” It is not entirely right to do this but it is quite acceptable compared to “To Whom it May Concern.” Avoid the former phrase no matter what. As much as it doesn’t sound professional, it shows you have no interest in the company.


Writing a cover letter for the application for an internship position is no easy work. The letter sells you to your employer and you need a lot of expertise to actually sell yourself out to people. However, you can write an internship cover letter with little or no experience at all if you understand the format of writing one as well as some helpful tips which will help you win the position. Another way to write a powerful internship cover letter is to follow the best sample letter. You will find one of the best letters here which you can work with.


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