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About Dorothea Schlozer Programme

Göttingen University’s Dorothea Schlözer Programme was set up with the aim of promoting equal opportunities and personnel diversity on the University of Göttingen campus. A raft of gender equality measures which gather under the umbrella of the Dorothea Schlözer Programme, addresses a range of different target groups, e.g. female academics, academics with family responsibilities and international academics.

Scholarship Award for Dorothea Schlozer:

In 2021, there will be 3 positions (TV-L 13, 100%, a term of 2 years), one of which at the University Medical Center (UMG).

Number of Scholarships:

There are three scholarships available.

To be taken in(Country):


Study Subject:

Dorothea Schlozer Postdoctoral Scholarships is for German Female Students. Scholarships award goes to one of the following faculties: Humanities, Theology, Law, Economic Sciences, Social Sciences and Medical Center (UMG)

Eligible Countries:

Scholarships are available for Female postdocs from Germany to apply.

Entrance Requirements for Dorothea Schlozer Postdoctoral Scholarships for German Female Students:

Eligible candidates are female postdocs in their early phase of postdoc, who wish to conduct research project at the Georg-August-University (including the University Medical School) or plan to do so in one of the following faculties: Faculties of Humanities, Theology, Law, Economic Sciences, Social Sciences and Medical Center (UMG). The doctoral procedure (thus the date of the thesis’ disputation) should not be more than two years before the application. If the doctorate is more than two years, the application is still not invalid. However, in that case, the applicant should include a statement on this matter.

English Language Requirements:

Candidate should have a good command of English language. Hence, English is the acceptable language for writing the application.

Application Procedure:

Procedures requires the following documents:

Cover letter (optional)Candidate’s curriculum vitae in tabular format, including a list of publications and funding (e.g. Scholarships, third-party funded projects etc.An exposé describing the planned work (max. 10 pages including bibliography)University degree certificates ( B.A. certificate, M.A. certificate or equivalent, Doctoral certificate or certification of successful disputation or scheduled date of disputation)Short summary of doctoral thesisTwo publications (article, book chapter, important public presentation)A statement from the institution where the candidate will conduct the research work.

Application Deadline: 

30 April 2022

How to Apply:

Candidates are to submit all applications through the online portal. After submitting your application you will receive an automatic confirmation of receipt via e-mail. You can check out the scholarship link for more information.

Online Application