Let’s have already made up your mind to become a biomedical engineer, but you are lost on how to go about it. This article is just for you because it is embedded with all the information you may need to become a biomedical engineer. As a biomedical engineer, you can apply engineering principles to the fields of biology and healthcare. So, judiciously read through this excerpt to discover the educational requirements, where you can obtain them and available jobs you may do with a degree in Biomedical engineering. Take a quick glance at the table of content to see some of the topics discussed in detail.

What is Bio-medical Engineering?

Well, over the years in response to advancements in science and technology, Biomedical engineering has evolved as a response to the technological demands of the health sector. Basically, Biomed is the application of engineering principles and skills to the fields of biology and health care. In fact, its practice dates back to a wood and leather prosthetic toe found on a 3000-year-old Egyptian mummy. However, simple clutches and walking sticks are examples of assistive devices that early medical engineering provided. So, we can say in clear terms that bio-medical engineering is a profession that allows its professionals to apply skills and knowledge of engineering in the biology or medical field.

Who is a Biomedical Engineer?

Obviously, it is now clear that a biomedical engineer must have great insight into biology and medicine alongside engineering principles. A biomedical engineer is one who works in a vocation that merges engineering and medicine. Basically, their job is to create lifesaving medicine and technology. They assist with their technology in the development of pharmaceutical drugs, biocompatible prostheses, imaging equipment and other technologies that can help with the diagnosis and treatment of patients. Also, they are expected to innovate ways to preserve and improve the quality of life for sick patients. In summary, biomedical engineers design and develop medical systems, equipment, and devices. Let’s date back to history and see what devices have been innovated by biomedical engineers and what they are used for.

Medical Engineers and Inventions

Basically, the first person to fashion a splint for a broken bone we can call the first biomedical engineer. Afterward, humans have increasingly discovered devices that were effective in diagnosing and treating disease. T his medical engineering innovation alleviates, rehabilitates or compensates for disabilities and injuries. The earliest inventors and their invention will help you understand the importance of this career path you are about to choose in human life. Also, it will help you discover new ways to solve human medical difficulties and problems. Well, the late 19th and early 20th century works of these scientists were used to make the first tabletop hearing aids. William Shockley and his team’s innovations, however, produced the first wearable hearing aids at bell laboratories. This biomedical engineer invented a mechanical ventilator. Actually, this machine helps a patient breathe when he/she is recovering from surgery or critical illness. Also, a patient who cannot breathe for any reason may use a mechanical ventilator for support. A type of radiation called electromagnetic waves or Xrays was invented by this Biomed engineer. Basically, x-rays create pictures of the inside of your body. Usually, it is used to check for fractures. Yes, the medical device for listening to the action of someone’s heart or breathing was invented by this medical engineer. Basically, this device is used for listening for a pulse, blood flow, or heartbeat of a fetus among other uses.

Other Biomed Engineers include:

Where do Biomedical Engineers work?

Biomedical engineers combine engineering principles with medical sciences to design and create equipment, devices, computer systems, and software. So, they can work in manufacturing companies, universities, hospitals, and research facilities. Also, the employment opportunity for Biomed engineers is expected to grow to 4 % from 2108 t0 2028. In addition, a medical engineer can also decide to work for government regulatory agencies or focus on a specific field. Some areas they could focus on include equipment manufacturing, research and development, and pharmaceutical manufacturing.

How Much do Medical Engineers earn?

Actually, your total earning as a Biomed engineer will be influenced by a lot of factors like your entry-level, educational qualification and current employer. However, according to a survey, the highest-paid biomedical engineer takes home average salary of $118,730. In fact, Biomed engineers with bachelor’s and doctoral-degree earn over a median annual wage of $88,550. Furthermore, researchers at payscale.com posit that Biomed engineers have the potential to nearly double their salaries as they gain experience.

Where can I study Biomed Engineering?

Well, now you understand what Biomed engineers do and find it interesting. You will need a degree to excel in this career path. As we advance we will look at educational qualifications and certifications for you to top the corporate ladder and earn more.

Schools for BioMed Engineering

The University of Alabama Birmingham (UAB)

Actually, this university offers a curriculum that offers pertinent classes in engineering physics, mathematics, chemistry, and biology. It awards a Bachelor of Science degree in bio-med engineering on completion of course work. Interestingly, UAB offers an honors track that includes opportunities for undergraduate research. However, this will cost you about $13,982 per year. In contrast, you can access both scholarships for engineering students or international students to augment this financial cost. For more information and application click the button below. OFFICIAL WEBSITE

University of Texas

This university ranks one of the top 10 engineering schools. Basically, the BME program in this school offers one of the best biomedical engineering degrees. Generally, the undergraduate program of the university of texas boasts of an average starting salary of $70,000 for their graduands and says 81% of them participate in research. Consequently, 50% of their graduates find industry jobs while 50% pursue medical and graduate degrees It awards a bachelor of science degree and covers all the cutting edge laboratory facilities and technological resources. A BioMed student in this university has the chance to study under top Cambridge professors while learning European culture. However, this will cost you about $16,832 to acquire. For more information visit the school website. OFFICIAL WEBSITE

Illinois Institute of Technology

Well, we cant talk about top schools for biomedical engineering without mentioning the institute of technology. The biomedical engineering department supports its student’s ambitions by offering a course that concentrates on medical imaging., cell tissue engineering, and neural engineering Also, undergraduates in BME can conduct research and develop the necessary skills to succeed as professional Biomed engineers or excel in the graduate school of law business or medicals. Furthermore, it may cost you $22,499 annually to acquire this asset. For more information and enrollment click the button below. OFFICIAL WEBSITE

The University of Virginia School of Engineering and Applied Science

Well, it has been barely ten years this university’s engineering degree came into existence but it is now one of the programs to reckon with. Basically, it has a highly integrative curriculum that links engineering skills with biological concepts and interestingly, they have close ties with the University of Virginia’s school of medicine. Additionally, this university claims that 100% of their students participate in research, internships and global health experiences. Consequently, they get direct access to jobs in industries as well as to the nation’s top medical schools upon graduation. Furthermore, this degree at the University of Virginia may cost you $11,277 each academic year. Click the button below to enroll for this Bachelor of Science degree program. OFFICIAL WEBSITE

The Wallace H. Coulter Department of Biomedical Engineering-Georgia Tech

This is the best university in our ranking to get a degree in biomedical engineering. Actually, this department houses an incredible engineering curriculum that is all-encompassing at a reasonable tuition rate. In fact, this department bears the nickname: second to none because its curriculum is very practical and covers the diversity in biomedicine and emphasizes the importance of communication and teamwork in a professional environment. Furthermore, the university boasts that 70% of its students in the BME department complete an independent project of theirs’ before they graduate. Making them employers of labor and job creators. Finally, a degree from this university in biomedical engineering will cost you a net price of $12,187 each year of the academic journey. For more information click the button below. OFFICIAL WEBSITE

How do I become a Biomedical Engineer?

Basically, this is a professional job and demands specific educational and licensing requirements. It’s important to note that a student may complete a degree in any engineering field and then pursue a graduate degree in BioMed engineering. Also, note that once you acquire a degree in this field, you may start a career and then advance by gaining experience and enrolling for a master’s degree and doctoral degree. Meanwhile, lets critically analyze basic requirements before chasing a career in biomedical engineering. these requirements are classified into educational qualifications for Biomed engineers and characteristics of a successful engineer.

Basic Requirements

A known prerequisite for biomedical engineering is a bachelor of science degree in Biomedical Engineering. Basically, this degree program is offered in most universities. Check out the best schools above for this course and start your career journey now. In addition to this degree, you may need a master’s degree and a doctoral degree to excel in this professional field. Actually, there are no basic traits of a Biomed engineer though there are a number of traits that every biomedical engineer needs to excel. Generally, bio-med engineers are always looking for better ways to aid medical scientist and physicians do a better job of saving lives. So, a biomedical engineer must be complex problem solving, a critical thinker. In addition, an aspiring Biomed engineer should also have a sense of judgment and a good decision-maker. Finally, he needs all the knowledge of science he can get.

Guide to Becoming a BioMed Engineer

Now, we understand the Biomed engineering requirements lets see a step to step guide on how to obtain to become a certified biomedical engineer.

1st Step: get a high school diploma or a general education diploma.

Actually, this is a basic requirement for any course in any four-year colleges with accreditation. So, to become a Biomed engineer you must complete chemistry and biochemistry, physics, biology, mathematics, and statistics

Step 2: Enroll and Complete a Degree program

Upon graduation from high school, you must not lose focus. Make sure to enroll in a four-year bio-medical engineering program. Well, you can either pursue a Bachelor of Science degree program in biomedical engineering or in any other field of engineering with intentions of pursuing a graduate degree in Biomed engineering later. Whichever works for you, get a degree.

3rd Step: Get an employment or volunteer experience

Basically, this may not be a prerequisite for becoming a medical engineer but doing so will help you in the field when you complete your degree and in your career journey.

Step 4: Start a career

Usually, once you get a degree in biomedical engineering, you may start your career journey. however, in order to be eligible for additional and higher-paying jobs, you should further your academic pursuit and get a graduate degree.

5th Step: Get your license

Subsequently, it is important maybe not necessary to get a degree after four years of relevant work experience.

How Do I get a Professional Engineering License?

While this may vary according to state, National Society of Professional Engineers says to get your license and be certified a professional in the engineering world, you must do the following: Basically, you may have to spend four years in ahigh school and get a highschool diploma with good grades. However, you get geat general eductaion diploma which take a shorter time. Then, you will need to complete another four years in an accredited university or college to obtain a bachelor’s degree in Biomedical Engineering.Finally, you may have to spend one to two years for a graduate degree and then complete a four year relevant working experience to get a license. In summary, it will take approximately 10 years to be a bio med engineer and another four years to get a license. A Biomedical engineer designs instrument devices, software used in healthcare. They also develop new procedures using knowledge from engineering principles and skills. According to Payscale.com,the median annual wage for medical engineers is $88,550.


Actually, it is possible to merge those engineering skills of your and your innate burning desire to offer medical help. Basically, this profession allows you profer solution and improve on existing medical devices by employing engineering principles and skills. So, this post is a full guide on how you can make your dream come through. it explains, what these professionals do, how they do it. Also, we brought you five great universities you may enroll for a degree program. Furthermore, job opportunities, salary range and how to get a license were analyzed. Now, all you have to do is choose a school that best suits you, apply for a scholarship if you need financial aid and start your career journey to greatness as a biomedical engineer.



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