Before an athlete can trust you with his talent, he will consider your qualifications and professionalism in landing him best deals. No worries, this post contains all the information you need on how to become a certified sports agent, sports agent salary, education, sports agent jobs, and how to build a successful sports agent career.
Being a sports agent can be very fun, they travel, attend a lot of events and parties. They also have access to athletes and sports teams. However, to be a successful sports agent, you must have a deep understanding of sports recruitment and also must be willing to take risks for your clients. read on for guidelines to becoming a certified sports agent.

Who is a Sports Agent?

Sports agents are people legally assigned to represent the interest of professional sports figures such as athletes and coaches particularly in negotiations of contracts. Basically, their duty is to handle sponsorship, procure employment and negotiate endorsement contracts for the athlete they represent. Sports agents act in the best interests of their clients. They help them secure endorsement deals, negotiate for a bigger salary handle negative publicity and when first starting out and after playing for a few years. Sports agents represent the best interest of their clients. They also handle sponsorships, public relations, and financial planning. See the 5 most Powerful Sports Agents in the World

How Do Sports Agents Get Certified?

You don’t need a formal education to become a sports agent, although most agents, athletes, and coaches have a bachelor’s degree. However, students aspiring to become sports agents can choose courses related to sports management or sports administration. Some colleges offer courses that include sports psychology, business law, sports business, and sports marketing because sports agents take up roles that involves legal and financial matters. Apparently, many agents have a strong background in lawyers, accounting, finance, and business. If you want to become a sports agent, acquiring knowledge in the Athlete Management course will be a good foundation to build your career and become a Sports Mangement Worldwide(SMWW) Agent Advisor. The following are the functions of an Advisor;
Sports agents must get certification from the sports union before they can start to negotiate contracts for their athletes and coaches.
Acquiring a certification can take a long process, prospective agents have to travel a long path to earn an undergraduate degree, a law degree, and a master’s degree. However, it is advisable you know all the necessary things to do in choosing a degree program so as to make the best out of your career. Here are the steps you must follow to get certified by the sports industry.

What License Is Needed for Sports Management?

Being a sports agent can be very exciting and provide opportunities to travel wide, meet superstars and become acquainted with top athletes. However, to officially become a sports manager, there are many state laws and sports regulations you must meet which include obtaining the licenses needed to become a sports agent.

League Certification

The league level is where Licensing of sports agents begins from. Basically, each league has its own process of agent qualification, testing, and certification and you must get a certification with each league you want to work. For Instance, if you want to represent players in the NBA , NFL, NLB and NHL, you need a separate license from each entity. Furthermore, becoming a certified sports agent within a league has processes that include completing an application, paying a candidate fee, writing a test and attending a conference. Also, you will be required to pay another fee once you pass your test and get a certification, and getting contracts officially from the league and players you sign.

State license

A sports agent must acquire certification from the league in which the client that they are representing is competing in. Apparently, there is no global sports agent license, but most states demand some sort of certification. However, to determine if your state requires sports agents to have an additional license or certification, you will have to contact your state’s board of professional sports regulation.
Additionally, many states also require that agents obtain professional liability insurance. Most top professional sports leagues have their own certifications required to represent players in their leagues. Here are the certification requirements required by the National Football League Players Association(NFLPA).

How Do I Build a Sports Agent Career?

Sports Agents Salary

In sport agent business, the agent’s commission varies based on the sport he represents and also the athletes they sign. Successful sports agents can make over a million dollars per year. According to Sports Management Worldwide(SMWW), the average salary for agents in different sports groups representing athletes is shown in the table below.

Sports Agencies

Here is the list of the Top Ten Sports Agencies in the world compiled by Forbes. Sports management firms offer courses for people who already have a degree and want to learn the specific skills that come into play in sports management. However, some sports agencies may require five to seven years of experience before you can be offered a certification.
It can take years to build the experience necessary to become a professional agent to get clients. However, sports agents who start out as lawyers spend eight years on their undergraduate and graduate education, and may practice law for some time before entering the profession. Those who complete a sports management degree can take four to six years to enter the workforce, and it may be necessary to gain some experience in the sports industry before one can begin working as an agent.
Becoming a sports agent requires hard work and commitment. Firstly, you need to pursue a degree program, prospective sports agents need to have at least a Bachelor’s degree.Apparently, you will need to take up a course in marketing and business management.After completing your degree program, you take up an internship in any recognized sports agency to understand how the industry operates. you may also need to pursue certification and obtain licensure.After your internship, you can get a job in a sports firm. Ensure that the firm has a positive reputation and also has a lot of registered athletes.In addition, if you choose to run your own company, you’ll need to get licensure. Once you obtain a license, you can set your rates. Avoid overpricing your services as a beginner. let your rate increase as you grow in the profession.


A sports professional agent must have the ability to Identify a new talent. Agents find players and coaches in all types of sports, including, Tennis, basketball, hockey, football and other sports. Amateur players can’t sign endorsement deals and the professional players need an agent capable of getting them the best endorsement offers.
A few years of related work experience in a field such as accounting, management or law can be beneficial prior to beginning a career as a sports agent. However, to find job opportunities as a sports agent, you have to join the Sports Agent Directory (SAD). Network at events to meet players, coaches, and managers.



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