To check your SAT results, look online or wait for your results in the mail. When you get your results, you’ll find your total score, individual reading score, and math score. The SAT is considered one of the most important aspects of the college application process. Students who want to complete their studies in the USA must be familiar with this standardized test. It is conducted to secure admission to various colleges offering degrees in the United States. Policies change regularly these days, so it’s always a good idea to check the testing requirements of the college you’re applying to. The cutoffs for the top universities in the US and Canada range from 1400 to 1600.

How long before I can access my SAT scores

The SAT exam is taken by thousands of students annually, which can be a gateway to admission to a top college. A good SAT score strengthens a student’s college application. The SAT exam is administered seven times a year and once the exam is completed, students can check their SAT scores online. Initially, after attempting the SAT exam, it took three weeks for the results to be online. But with the new guidelines in the test updates, it may take longer than this time. It can even take up to 10 weeks for the results to be updated online, so don’t panic if the results haven’t been updated by that time.

Can I check my SAT Scores online?

If the SAT exam is taken online and you wish to receive a paper grade along with the online report, the applicant should request this at the time of registering for the exam. However, if the applicant registered by mail and does not have an online College Board account, they will automatically receive a paper grade report. Confused about which to take? Compare GMAT vs GRE: Which One Should You Take?

How to check your SAT scores

Access to your SAT results

Access your results online. Most people access their SAT scores online through the College Board website. You must have an account with the College Board, which you can get for free.You will receive an email notifying you when your SAT results are available to view.

To create an account, click the Sign Up link on the main page of the College Board website. Then tell them you’re a student.You must provide basic information such as your full name, date of birth, school name and email address. You must also choose a unique username and password.Request a paper score. If you register for the SAT by mail, you will receive a paper copy of your score if you do not have a College Board account.When registering for the SAT online, you must indicate whether you would like a paper score in addition to an online report.Get your score by phone. You can also get the SAT results by calling customer service. Call College Board Customer Service and give them your test registration number and date of birth. The registration number can be found on your SAT test admission card.You must pay a fee to access your results over the phone. This means that you must provide your credit card information to the customer service representative.Wait up to a month. It can take up to a month for the SAT results to be available. If you register for a test appointment, you must wait up to 30 days to receive your score. For example, the test for a March 11 test may be available around April 13.The College Board usually lists when you can expect your results in the SAT section of the website. (If you already have a College Board account, you may also receive an email from the College Board when your results are posted.)

Identify reasons for later available results. In some cases, results may be delayed by about a week. When the daily results are available, you will receive a message asking you to check back later.This occurs when you took a makeup test or when information was missing from the answer sheet. It may also happen that the information on the answer sheet differs from your registration data or that your answer sheet arrives late.

Checking your total score

Sign in to the site. Go to the College Board website and log in with your username and password. The website should say something like “Test results are in”. When you log in, the most recent result is listed first. Click the Get Your Scores link. When you log into the website, the main page will inform you that the SAT results are available. There will be a link that says “Get Your Scores”. Click this link to go to your results.

If the scores were recently published, a warning and a link that says “View your scores” will appear at the top of the page. You can also use this link.View your results. The latest SAT result is at the top. The screen shows you the date you took the test, your total score, and then your itemized results in reading and writing and math.The total score is the score you got by adding the two separate sections of the SAT.The reading and writing score is your score for that section only. The math score is the score for that section only.

Evaluation of other relevant information

Check your college readiness. If you click View Details, you can view various specific reports based on your SAT score. The first thing you can see is your college readiness based on your individual subject scores.Scoring is done on a line divided into red, yellow, and green sections. Your score reflects your college readiness.

The green area means you have met or exceeded the benchmark and are on track to college readiness. The test shows you the minimum score to meet the benchmark.Red or yellow means you have not met the benchmark.

Estimate your score. When you check your score, you can instantly tell if it’s a bad, good, or excellent score. Your SAT score includes a national percentile ranking.This way you know how many test-takers you did better with. The average score of the 50th percentile is 1060, so somewhere around that score is an average good score.

Anything above 1060 moves you from average to excellent. For example, a score of 1190 puts you in the 73rd percentile and a score of 1290 puts you in the 86th percentile.Some colleges have minimum SAT score requirements, which can also be used to determine if your score is good enough or not.

Determine your super score. Some colleges allow you to use a super score. A superstore is the combination of your highest reading and math scores from different tests.For example, if you took the SAT on three different test dates, you can choose the top two scores to form your total score.

To determine your super score, view all of your SAT test results on the College Board website. Then choose the highest reading score and the highest math score. Put them together. This is your super score.Most colleges look at a super score, but some don’t. Before taking the SAT multiple times to get a super score, make sure the colleges you’re applying to allow it.


There are several ways to get the SAT score after attempting the exam and the student can choose either online or offline to get it intact. If the scores are more than one year old, the student must request that the scores be sent to the postal address.


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