In Canada, the demand for diplomas from employers keeps soaring. However, most people don’t know how or where to get diplomas, or even how important it has become recently. With this in mind, this article would be looking at Post Graduate Diploma In Canada. We’d be looking at the best schools to get Post Graduate Diploma In Canada. Additionally, we’d be looking at the cost of getting a Post Graduate Diploma In Canada. and the job outlook for people with Post Graduate Diploma In Canada. Therefore, If you’ve been on the lookout to the hows’ and whys’ of attaining a postgraduate diploma in Canada – look no further. Because this article outlines carefully, the necessities there are to attain a Postgraduate diploma in Canada. Just take your time and carefully read through this article compiled by our group of professionals. Meanwhile, take a look at the table of content for an overview of this article – How to get a Postgraduate diploma in Canada. 15 Best Canadian Medical Schools 2022 | UPDATED

What Is A Postgraduate Diploma?

According to Wikipedia, A postgraduate diploma is a postgraduate qualification awarded after a university degree, which supplements the original degree and awards them with a graduate diploma. Postgraduate diplomas are basically supplements that add credibility to one’s initial qualification.

Are Postgraduate Diplomas Equivalent To Masters In Canada?

No, a postgraduate diploma isn’t equivalent to a master’s degree in Canada. A postgraduate diploma is a shorter qualification than a masters degree, although at the same academic level. Whereas a masters degree is made up of 180 credits (taken from exams, assignments, and so on), a postgraduate diploma is 120 credits. As a matter of fact, a master’s degree to some extent has a lot more advanced practical training for the student and is more oriented toward field specialization. A master’s degree brings one to a more in-depth part of the field. Whereas a Postgraduate diploma could be classified as an additional degree that could supplement a previously attained degree (at undergraduate level). 18 Cheapest Colleges in Canada for International Students

Is A Postgraduate Diploma Good In Canada?

A Postgraduate diploma degree in Canada is very good as it opens doors for international students, especially in Canada to gain specialization in multiple fields by running Two year-one courses all through the year. Moreover, the search for this diploma is on the high-rise as to how beneficial it is and it’s averagely Low-priced.

What Can One Do With a Postgraduate Diploma In Canada?

There are several ways in which a postgraduate diploma can be useful to an individual, one of which is Career progression e.g

In the search for more credits at your place of work or field, such a degree should be attained to gain the desired credibility to have that progression in the fieldwork and of course a higher paycheck at your place of work.Enhancement of one’s employability: Going for such a degree could also increase the chances of Firms and Enterprises to seek your expertise as to your level of study and experience in the fieldwork.

What Is The Earning Capacity Of A Postgraduate Diploma Degree Holder  In Canada?

To a certain level, one cannot estimate how much exactly one could earn having such a degree. However, it’s expected that a postgraduate diploma degree holder would earn averagely higher than an ordinary bachelors degree holder in the field of work. Holding such a degree in Canada entitles one to be able to exercise more earning ways as to set up a Personal business that could be running while attending to his/her average 9-5 job day-in-day-out. 7 Short Courses In Canada for International Students in 2022 …

How Long Does It Take To Complete A Postgraduate Diploma Program In Canada?

A postgraduate diploma degree in Canada can take an average of 1-2 years of study. This is highly dependent on the kind of diploma it is. If it’s a One-year degree study or a Two years degree study – then it’s likely going to take the same time to complete. Most of the times many people prefer to go for the Two-year degree program as to the Three years stay-back option where the individual is privileged to work for a span of 3 years after degree completion.

What Are The Costs Of Attaining A Postgraduate Diploma Degree In Canada?

There is no exact price as to the cost as the pricing varies across Institutions in all of Canada. Here are the tuition fees for Postgraduate Diploma in Canada for International students which are as follows: As one would observe that there’s no exact pricing attached to the PG diploma as a whole but rather it scales differently with the several programs available in several universities across Canada.

How To Acquire A Post Graduate Diploma Degree In Canada

Getting admissions to a PG Diploma course in Canada does not require international students to fulfil complex requirements. Unlike Masters in Canada, you can apply for a diploma course even after a three-year bachelor’s degree. Some of the important eligibility requirements for pursuing a PG Diploma in Canada are:

An undergraduate degree in a relevant subject with at least 65% or more aggregate marks. Some courses in business administration, management, marketing, etc may require you to have work experience of 2 years. English Language Proficiency: International applicants must have IELTS/TOEFL.

The admission process for diploma programs in Canada is highly flexible. The documents required for getting into Postgraduate Diploma programs are:

Transcripts of previous educationStudy permitSOP for PG diploma courses Canada Letter of RecommendationProof of finances

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Student Visa for Canada

To get a study permit for Canada, you must fulfil the following eligibility criteria:

Applicants must be enrolled at a designated learning institute (DLI).Applicants must have proof of sufficient funds to finance the Tuition fees, Living expenses for themselves, and Return transportation expenses. An eligible applicant must be a law-abiding citizen with no criminal history and must not be a threat to the security of Canada. Students might also have to provide a police certificate.It is important for applicants to be in good health and may require to submit a valid medical certificate if required.Applicants must prove to an immigration officer that he/she will leave Canada at the end of their authorized duration of stay.

Documents Required: Proof of acceptance, proof of identity, proof of financial support, letter of explanation, SOP for the student visa. 

10 Best Post-Graduate Diploma In Canada 2022

There are so many opportunities to be explored on postgraduate diploma programs in Canada but ‘What are the best amongst many?’. Here are our 10 best postgraduate diplomas in Canada;

#1. Biological Sciences

Undertaking a Postgraduate diploma in biological sciences is a very tremendous path to have a strong ground on your career path. It is a very important field of study and requires that the students undertake the course in a very equipped institution. The biological sciences use the latest technology to explore molecular medicine, ecology, and the environment. They also study genetic regulation of plant and animal development, microbial physiology, and cell dynamics and motility. Thus, Biological Sciences is one of the best courses offered in Canada. Several Universities running such course at the postgraduate level in Canada are :

Lakehead University (Canada)University of New Brunswick (Canada)

#2. Business & Tourism

Business and Tourism is a very interesting field of study. Especially in a post-graduate course. We know that the tourism industry is all businesses that directly provide goods or services to facilitate business, pleasure and leisure activities away from the home environment. Thus, one needs to obtain a good degree and learning experiences to professionalize in the career path. One of Universities running such course at the postgraduate level are :

Ontario College (Canada) – Certification in food Tourism and Entrepreneurship

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#3. Hospitality Management

Learning the activity and skills of hospitality managers is a career that requires good tutoring and mentoring. Hospitality management generally deals with the management of guest and keeping them warm and happy in any field of operation. Therefore, obtaining a postgraduate degree in a Canada University is a good step. You can visit the schools below that are good at undertaking such programs. Some of the Universities running such course at the postgraduate level are :

Fanshawe College (Canada)Capilano College (Canada) 

#4. Engineering (Electronics and Mechanical)

It is necessary for Engineers to strengthen their knowledge as many of the existing structures and technologies are based on the application of their skills. Therefore, applying for a post-graduate diploma in their specific engineering field will go a long way to help strengthen their knowledge and skills. Hence, Canada is a very good place to undertake engineering programs as they have schools doing exceptionally good in engineering courses. Knowing that engineering is a very vast field, and it deals with the study of designs and structuring of systems necessary for the growth of a standard economy. Engineering has many distinctive fields and specializations. Hence, across the globe, there are many prestigious schools one can obtain a good post-graduate degree from. But in Canada, some of the school good at offering a post-graduate diploma in Canada are below;

University of Alberta (Canada)Lakehead University (Canada)

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#5. Health Sciences

Another great postgraduate diploma programs offered in Canada is health science. Practitioners in health science who seek a good country to obtain a postgraduate diploma should consider applying for one in a Canada University as they have institutions that teach the programs with first-class facilities. Hence, some universities running such course at the postgraduate level are;

Mohawk College (Canada).University of Ottawa (Canada).

#6. Networking and Information Technology

Networking and Information Technology is a very great field of study that requires the right environment and teaching facility to optimize learning. Thus, Canada has good universities with very structured learning scheme that will ease learning in Networking and Information Technology. In order words, obtaining your postgraduate diploma in networking and Information Technology in a Canadian university is not a bad idea. Several Universities running such course at the postgraduate level are :

Conestoga College (Canada)Fanshawe College (Canada)

#7. Pharmacy, Nursing, and Midwifery

These are important medical fields that relate to the well-being of humans. Though, the three fields are interrelated. Pharmacy is based on essential drugs, while nursing is majored in taking care of patients and assisting the medical practitioner and Midwifery related to taking care of pregnancy. So, as you can clearly see these fields are crucial as they relate to the vitals of human existence. Therefore, one needs to obtain a diploma in these fields from a very sound institution. Hence, Universities in Canada are one of the institutions in the world to give thorough teachings on them. Several Universities running such course at the postgraduate level are :

University of Waterloo (Canada)University of  Manitoba (Canada)

#8. Data Science

Canada Universities offers one of the best learning schemes in Data Science, especially in Postgraduate studies. Knowing that data science is one of the bases of most complex programming skills that uses scientific methods, processes, algorithms and systems to extract knowledge and insights from structured and unstructured data and apply knowledge and actionable insights from data across a broad range of application domains.  So you can see few unis that are very good at handling data science course at the postgraduate level in Canada below;

Trent University (Canada)Georgian College (Canada)

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#9. Project management

Every workspace requires a project manager for it to run smoothly. Therefore, obtaining a postgraduate diploma in project management will enable persons in this field sturdy and more efficient in managing a project quite well. So, obtaining a postgraduate diploma in project management from a Canadian University is advisable, as Canadian Universities have good learning schemes to groom future project managers. Several Universities running such course at the postgraduate level are :

Douglas College (Canada)Royal Roads University (Canada)

#10. Supply-Chain management

Another wonder postgraduate program obtainable from a Canadian University is Supply-Chain Management. Supply Chain Management (SCM) is simply a program that best teaches the handling of the flow of goods and services from the raw manufacturing of the product through to the consumption by the consumer. This process requires an organisation to have a network of suppliers that serve as links in the chain to move the product through each stage. Several Universities running such course at the postgraduate level in Canada are :

Mohawk College (Canada)Fanshawe College (Canada)


If you have thoroughly read through the article, there should be enough clarity as to the benefits of acquiring a postgraduate Diploma in Canada. You would have also understood the importance and how much impact it could reflect on one’s career path. It would be our greatest pleasure to know that you acquired some level of understanding and value reading through this article. Any question you feel left unanswered, please reach out to us in the comment box below.


What is a postgraduate diploma degree? Difference between postgraduate diploma and masters degreeEarning the capacity of a postgraduate degree holderBest postgraduate courses in CanadaWikipedia
