Even though men and women have different roles and duties, issues must still be resolved if gender equality is to be attained. Most social science students conduct extensive research to explore the complex topic. However, the sources must be reliable since some believe that more needs to be done to close the gap between men’s and women’s levels of inequality. Although you can adopt any strategy you see fit, keep in mind that if you want to convince your audience of something, research is essential. You should also select a subject that discusses the topic impartially. So, suppose you are working on an essay on gender inequality. It’s advisable to look at how to write an effective essay on gender inequality, as well as other samples, to have a general idea of what is required of you. This article will focus on the best tips for writing provoking essays on gender inequality.

What is a Gender Inequality Essay?

Gender inequality is simply the unfair and biased treatment people experience because of their gender, often caused by gender roles that have been socially created. So, it is noticed when a person of a particular gender is treated differently or less favorably than a different gender in the same situation. One of the biggest challenges fight against gender inequality is the general misconception that the topic is a “woman’s issue.” However, when we use the term “gender,” we mean all forms of it – male, female, transgender, etc. This gender disparity prevents people from voicing their opinions. Ultimately, it hinders and jeopardizes their futures – futures that can be saved when the issue of gender disparity is addressed. Gender inequality is often revealed in the noticeable gender wage gap, leaving some genders more vulnerable to violence and discrimination. They also experience socioeconomic disparity and objectification. Eventually, this leads to extreme anxiety, melancholy, and even low self-esteem. We must all acknowledge that gender inequality is bad for any gender. So, the goal of any essay on gender inequality should be to explain how we can all act together to stop these long-term effects. Read also: Action for Equity Grants Award for South African Civic Organizations 2022

How do I handle a gender inequality essay?

It’s essential to find a topic that you can relate to when writing an essay about gender inequality. Additionally, it must be something the audience can relate to so you should consider your reader’s viewpoint. Make sure your essay is logically organized and well-structured. Then ensure your essay is original because chances are, your lecturer will read several other essays on the same subject. So, it would be best if you created a gender inequality essay opening that will justify the rest of your work and make it stand out. Remember that you are talking about something that actually occurs in real life; therefore, you must be careful with every source you pick for your essay. For the gender inequality essay, you must choose a thoughtful and engaging point of view to show that you are an expert on the subject and are passionate about righting the effects.

How do I write my gender inequality essay?

The same principles that apply to writing any other essay also apply when writing one on gender inequality. And by implementing our best guides on writing an essay on gender inequality, you may produce a remarkable piece. They include:


Take some time to consider the subjects you can employ to create a fantastic essay about gender inequality. Choose the ones that are particular to you and list them on paper.

Go for a relatable topic

It is always essential to go for relatable topics in essay writing, whether for gender inequality or not. Since your topic reflects your perspective, it must be relatable to you and your audience. Also, remember that as the topic of gender inequality is broad, it would be best if you narrowed it down to a more specific stance. This would ensure that your audience is grabbed from the first few seconds of your work.

Choose your essay style

From expository to persuasive, argumentative, or narrative, you can choose an approach to your essay. So, depending on your topic, play to your strength with your writing style. Read also: How To Pass Gre Quantitative Reasoning

Research your topic

A well-written essay on gender inequality is a testament to thorough research. You can get materials for your research from libraries or online sources. The aim is to make your work clear, informative, and void of bias.

Draw the framework of your essay on gender inequality

Drawing the framework is important in writing your essay about gender inequality faster. This is often because, at this stage, you will draw your framework in the order you want your paper to go.  This way, your thoughts are brilliantly organized, and no point is left out. So when you are ready to write the essay, your ideas are the flesh of your already drawn framework.

Decide on the gender inequality thesis statement

As an academic paper, your gender inequality essay must have a very good thesis statement that reflects your topic. It is usually a maximum of two sentences at the end of the introductory paragraph and forms the central argument of your essay. This way, your audience already knows what your essay will be about from the start.


Introduction -> to the body -> to conclusion. This is the usual format essays come in, and the same goes for an essay on gender inequality. Your goal with the introduction is to write a captivating piece so that you keep your readers hooked from the start. Then you can close with your thesis statement. Read also: UN Women Gender Journalism Awards Competition 2022


This step wouldn’t be too tasking if you drew your framework. It’s basically putting flesh on an already prepared structure in simple-to-digest sentences. You can divide the writing journey into steps and flesh out your subject matter based on your perspective. Ensure that your ideas are correctly cited to avoid plagiarism in your essay on gender inequality. Also, pay attention to your paragraphs; ensure they have topic sentences in line with your thesis statement.


This is where you summarize the gist of your essay. Your thesis statement can also come in here to solidify your stance on the topic. A flawless conclusion will give your audience satisfactory closure, earn good grades, and portray you as a fine writer.

Edit and proofread

Having many drafts is okay until you get the proper flow of ideas. After writing your essay on gender inequality, ensure that you edit and proofread. You may have to arrange, rearrange, remove, or include new bits of information by editing. Then there is the correct structure it needs to follow. If it takes too long, it’s not because your paper is terrible. Editing may take a long time to ensure that it is done perfectly. Proofreading deals with grammatical mistakes, spelling errors, and punctuation problems. You also want your essay’s overview to look excellent and void of grammatical errors. You can also give someone else to read and make corrections for those stubborn, evasive errors. After that, you can make the final edits to get your final copy.

Free gender inequality essay sample

For many centuries, men have been the dominant gender and women have been the minority. Men were the “breadwinners” and women just stayed home and took care of the housework and children. Women barely had any rights. Their husbands could abuse them and get away with it easily. Fortunately, over a period of time, things have slowly changed. However, this is still a very serious and widespread problem. Women are still at the bottom of the chain. What was the cause of this inequality and what will be the consequences if this problem continues to linger? Gender inequality, in my definition, is the unequal and biased treatment between the two sexes. I strongly believe that the unequal treatment of women is something that should have stayed in primitive times. We are in the present now and we are far more advanced than we ever were and yet we are old school in our thinking of how men and women should be treated. I can strongly identify with gender inequality because many of my closest friends have faced it or still face it. Materialist theories define gender inequality as a result of how men and women are tied to the economic structure of society. They believe that women’s role as a mother and wife are devalued by society and deny access to highly respected public opportunities. Gender inequality is definitely something that we often take for granted; it is accepted and seems so normal in society. These differences often seem invisible to us even though it happens in our everyday life in everything from employment and education to politics and the media without us being aware of it. Visit UKEssays. (November 2018). Gender Inequality: Causes and Impacts for the complete essay Read also: Women Self-sufficient Scholarships, 2021


All genders are beautiful and should be equally appreciated. So whatever stand you take, these tips and steps should help you get the best essays on gender inequality.


Toppr.comEssaymin.comUKEssays. (November 2018). Gender Inequality: Causes and Impacts.


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title: “How To Write An Essay On Gender Inequality Best Guide Kiiky” ShowToc: true date: “2023-01-22” author: “Dee Hall”

With this article, we aim to equip you with the necessary knowledge to approach any gender inequality essay topic or any essay on gender roles. Want to know more? Then ride on.

How To Write Gender Inequalities Essay

Gender Inequality has been an issue in our contemporary world, with high-rising change movements geared toward gender quality. All around the world, some feminists are fighting for one course; gender quality. Although many changes have occurred, there are still females worldwide who are discriminated against daily for their gender makeup. Writing an essay on gender inequality is an exciting task as you are drawn into a world of knowledge if you approach your assignment correctly. Want to know how to have an exciting yet informative essay? If yes, then let’s get into it. Writing an essay that will impress and leave a lasting impression on your reader requires keen commitment and enthusiasm. Aside from the vital step, research, you need to enjoy what you are doing. We have mapped out steps and practical guidelines that will enable you to write the best essay, and they include:

Choose A Topic

If you already have a topic you want to write on, then you can skip this heading. When choosing a topic, please select a topic you understand and not a case you don’t have an idea of what it is. Pick a subject matter that resonates with you, and ensure the topic interest you even if it’s a little. You should be able to decipher the two sides of your chosen topic. Choose a topic that can be broad and interesting. Avoid a topic that is too specific; you need to avoid an issue that will make you summarize rather than discuss or analyze. Don’t withhold the clue to change a topic if it is not working out.

Understand The Topic

You must understand the topic you intend to write about. Read it aloud and think about what you want, the message you want to communicate to your reader, or what your reader wants to see.

Decide What Type Of Essay You Will Be Writing

After you know and understand your essay’s topic, you need to decide what type of essay it will be. There are four main types of essays: narrative, descriptive, expository, and argumentative. Each of these essays has its approach and purpose. For instance, if you intend to write on a topic: Essay On Gender Inequality In The Work Place, you need to know what essay will best fit your case.


Once you know the type of essay you will write, research is next. Research refers to the systematic process of getting and evaluating data to improve your understanding of your essay topic. Research expands your knowledge of the topic and gives you ideas, facts, and information on what you need to write. Your research forms the framework of your essay. You will have a ragged paper if your article is built on shabby research. Conduct proper research, and you are on the pathway to having a beautiful essay. There are various forms and sources for research. In present times, the most popular of them all is the internet; leverage it. You can also use information sources in your library, conduct questionnaires, or interview experts in the field of gender inequality. While researching any gender inequality essay topic, you must take note of the source of your quotes or ideas for reference sake.


Brainstorming is critical; you need to search your thought for the ideas that need to be in your essay content. Brainstorming is an effective way of figuring out what information you got during your research and what you want to write about. Find a calm spot that will be perfect for your brainstorming and void of distraction. Before you start your brainstorming, you should set an end goal of what the result of your brainstorming should be. You also need to know what you want your reader to get from your essay on gender inequalities. Write down all your ideas, do not withhold anything; write. It may seem unclear or shabby; write as it is still in its raw form. You can also read: Tips on How to Write an Essay about Reading | Full Guide & Sample

Write Your Essay Outline

After you are done with your research, you need to leverage the information you mapped out during your brainstorming session to create your essay outline. Your essay outline should contain bits of what you intend to discuss in your essay on gender inequalities. Order your data into an outline of topic sentences, Create similar ideas into categories and ensure your outline contains a simple list of your data in an organized manner.


After you are done mapping out your outline, it is time to write your essay. Write following the content of your outline. Remember, your outline is the skeleton of your paper, so add flesh to your article by writing down your ideas in an understandable and arranged way. Sometimes, people are wary of making mistakes while writing the first draft of their essay, don’t do that; it can be limiting. Write out your ideas; you can write a second draft. The first does not need to be the last. Write in paragraphs; each paragraph should contain an idea you intend to share, expand the idea and move on to the next. However, ensure that all opinions support your main idea. It is vital to ensure your content has the appropriate flow it needs. Leveraging transition words is an excellent way to engage your reader.

Proofread And Edit

The last guide is proofreading and editing. Some people write their first draft, and they are done. They don’t add a magical touch to their essay and end up with many errors. Editing your essay is essential; revisit what you have written, read it aloud and observe the flow. Check for any form of spelling or grammatical errors. You do not want your essay on gender inequality to be marred by mistakes. The best way to give your essay a magical touch is to keep it aside for hours or even days, then revisit it when your mind is free and fresh with new ideas. So if you are writing an essay on gender roles or gender inequality, add the magical touch. You will be wowed at the magical effect this singular action will give to any of your gender inequality essay topics.

Gender Inequality Essay Topics

There are various gender inequality essay topics, according to IvyPanda; below are some of them:

Globalization, gender, and development.The Pink Tax.Women and unpaid labor.Gender Inequality in the USGender stereotypes in media.Emma Watson’s speech on gender equality.Gender Inequality in AfghanistanGender inequality in CanadaEssay On Gender Inequalities In The WorkplaceHow does Gender Inequality Persist in the Modern World?A critique of the HeForShe campaign.Gender Inequality as a Global IssueEducation for girls in Ghana.The suffrage movement.Crimes against girls and women.

Don’ts In Writing Gender Inequality Essay

Don’t PlagiarizeDon’t write your essay like it’s a resumeDon’t overstuff your article with clichés or idiomsDon’t dread reviews or editsDon’t indulge In writing too long sentencesDon’t forget your essay formatting requirementsDon’t over bug your essay with too much information that may not be neededDon’t forget to always stay keen on your topic, don’t divert!Don’t forget to revisit your essay.

Structure For Gender Inequality Essay

When writing any gender inequality essay topic, it is essential to keep in mind and apply the appropriate structure. You need to include the correct information in the proper segment. An essay is divided into three structures: The Introduction, The Body, and The Conclusion. You can also read:10 Ways to buy essays online in 2021 | as low as $5

 The Introduction

The inception of your writing journey starts with an introduction. In the introduction, you will introduce the subject of your essay and provide a concise summary of the arguments you will be pushing in the body. Also, you need to state your take on the topic in the introduction. It would be best to make your take on the topic strong and concise so that it captures your reader’s attention. Ensure your audience knows your thesis from the introduction.

The Body

The body of your essay is essential to your general essay. It is where you convey the message you intend to send to your reader. Most times, we want to write without concrete guidelines; that’s not how it should be done. Approach your ideas one at a time. With an outline, your body is easier to write. So write down your ideas or take on the body of your essay. Explore different points you intend to discuss and ensure they support your thesis statement. All paragraphs in the body of your essay should explain your subject matter. You can use topic sentences, each adding flesh to your thesis statement. Aside from that, you need to make careful notes of your sources. Ensure you acknowledge the name, year, and page number every time you get a quote or idea from a source.

The Conclusion

Your conclusion on gender inequality in the workplace or any essay topic you choose should be regarding the points you made in the body of your essay. Your conclusion should summarize your take on the subject matter; it should be insightful and enlightening. The main point of writing a conclusion is to stress the main point you conveyed in the body of your essay. Your ending should give your reader a solid and lasting impression of your shared message. Your essay conclusion should also create a connection with your reader. However, in your conclusion, you must be careful not to input an idea that contradicts your primary subject matter. Ending your well with an excellent conclusion is an added advantage to your entire essay. You can also read: Tips on How to Write Schooling Essay | Full Guide & Sample


Writing any gender inequality essay topic is easy when you properly use the guide we shared in this article. When writing any article relating to essays on gender roles, you must start your paper on time and not wait for the deadline. Be comfortable and at ease when carrying out your research and not in a rush to finish. You are good to go with proper, practical research and a good essay outline. Remember, a captivating, enlightening, and fascinating essay will have your reader hooked till the end; no one wants to read a boring article. Cheers to a great essay.


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