It has been described as one of the most challenging languages to learn. Because of its volatility, it is challenging for both learners and native speakers.  Some people simply want to learn a new language for the purpose of being able to communicate in it. Learning English is a pleasurable experience that opens doors to a wide range of cultures. Any non-native English speaker can learn to communicate fluently in the language. Anyone who is determined and willing to try something new can fulfill this desire. We’ll look at some of the common reasons why people find it difficult to learn English.

Why Learn English?

For a multitude of reasons, learning English is advantageous. It allows you to socialize with new people. Additionally, it enables you to gain a better understanding of another culture or to perceive things from a different perspective. It will help you become a better listener. It may even be beneficial to one’s health since studies show that those who learn two or more languages later in life have more active minds!

Reasons To Study English Language?

There are numerous reasons to learn English, including It enables you to interact with new people. It allows you to see things in a new light or gain a better knowledge of another culture. It aids in your development as a better listener. Here are a few reasons why learning English is beneficial to one’s life.

There are 53 countries that speak it as their official language. Learning English allows you to communicate in any country where English is the official language.It is the world’s most widely spoken language.It may also assist you in obtaining a better job.It is the Media’s Language. The majority of internet content is written in English. English is used by many of the world’s largest news organizations, including television, newspapers, magazines, and radio.English is the world’s second most widely spoken language. As a result, learning English makes it much easier to go to any destination you like. Plane announcements, train schedules, emergency alerts, and street signs, for example, are frequently translated into English, especially in nations that use a different alphabet.

When Compared To Other Languages, How Tough Is English?

English is an extremely perplexing language, with its perplexing rules, nonsensical nouns, and words that sound the same. The English alphabet, on the other hand, only has 26 letters. Compare that to the Mandarin alphabet’s 3000 characters! And, while the English language has some strange nouns, unlike French, you don’t have to study if each noun is masculine or feminine. Finnish, Russian, Japanese, and Mandarin are also famously difficult to learn. SEE ALSO: Best Way To Learn And Master A Foreign Language

Is English Hard To Learn?

Despite the fact that English is a tough language to learn. Other languages in the same boat include Mandarin, Russian, and Japanese. With about 1.5 billion individuals using English at some point in their lives, it is one of the most frequently spoken languages on the planet. And your dedication to knowing about all of its complexities and differences will pave the way for a plethora of future options. Due to a variety of factors, learning English is difficult and confusing. It is difficult to learn its grammar structure, pronunciation, definitions, and standards. Keep in mind, however, that English speakers learning a foreign language are in a similar situation. What matters is your willingness to learn the fundamental rules as much as your ability to learn them. Learning English has never been easier or more accessible than it is now. Finally, whether or not a language is difficult to learn is a matter of personal preference. Learning English is a lot easier if you don’t care about the rules. When reading and listening, focus on native language material. The more difficult it is to learn English, the more ambitious your language learning goals will be. It’s as simple as that.

Why Is English Hard To Learn?

The English language is regarded as one of the most difficult to master. We’ll look at some of the most prevalent reasons why people find learning English difficult.

1. Families of Languages:

The number of languages spoken on the planet now is estimated to be around 6,000. Languages are often thought of as families in scientific circles. They have evolved into distinct family trees as a result of their interactions. Because English belongs to the Germanic language family, it will be easier to learn if your first language is akin to Dutch or German. Learning English, on the other hand, would be tough if you spoke Japanese. It bears no resemblance to the Romance or Germanic languages. As a result, the sound and appearance are drastically different. If your native language is similar to English, you may find it easier to learn it.

2. Some Things Are Nonsensical:

Inconsistencies and illogical statements abound in the English language. Non-native speakers, for example, maybe perplexed by several words. What does pineapple, for example, have to do with the words “pine” and “apple”? Nouns can also become verbs in some instances. For example, teachers taught while preachers preached. It’s challenging enough for native English speakers to understand. Consider how difficult it is for English learners to comprehend these contradictions. Related Post: 20 Best Ways To Learn English In 2021

3. Exceptions and Rules:

Rules abound in the English language, as in any other. It doesn’t matter if they’re grammatical or if they’re using it to help with spelling. There are quite a few of them. There are numerous ways for them to be challenged, disputed, or shown incorrectly. English students, for example, we’re taught to say “I” before “E” unless after “C.” This criterion is true for the majority of English words, such as “friend” and “believe.” There are exceptions, though, such as “science” and “weirdness.” There are various complicated standards to understand when it comes to sentence arrangement. Because those words sound right, native speakers have an instinctive understanding of how to organize them. Getting acclimated to all of the complexity and rule exceptions. For those attempting to learn the language, it might be a nightmare. Rules aren’t always effective. This is especially true when applying established information to a new word.

4. Writing Rules:

Even natural English speakers make mistakes from time to time, particularly when it comes to punctuation. They have the most difficulty with the stylistic aspects of writing. Whether it’s the modern Oxford Comma or how to utilize hyphens in compound nouns, we’ve got you covered. It’s never too late to learn something new. This area of English necessitates the most concentration of all the language abilities. It’s also worth considering the particular instance of the English pronoun “I.” We can observe that “I” is the only English pronoun printed in capital letters, regardless of its form, when we look at the other English pronouns.

5. Words Order:

If you’re fluent in English, you’ll notice the word order right away. Another challenge for students is determining which orders are correct and which are erroneous. It’s unclear why the words have been arranged in such a way that they sound correct. “A tiny fascinating cup” is acceptable, but “a small intriguing cup” does not sound appropriate. While it is grammatically correct, the way it sounds determines how it will be delivered. Native speakers, for example, have an instinctive understanding of the nuances of the language. SEE ALSO: Best Languages To Learn For Success In Your Study Abroad School

6. English Has a Mixed Vocabulary:

In particular, Germanic origins account for 26% of the English lexicon. Nearly 30% of the population is French, while another 30% is Latin. As a result, French speakers are more likely to find learning English easier. Because they are already familiar with a large portion of the lexicon. German and Dutch speakers are in the same boat. When we have a head start in learning a language, it is much easier. Because our native language is more similar to the language we are learning.

7. Perplexing Spelling:

In some ways, English is essentially difficult to learn. One reason for this is that English has a confusing spelling system. It is puzzling even to native speakers. The terms ‘dough,’ ‘tough,’ and ‘bough,’ for example, are all spelled the same but pronounced differently. This ‘-ough’ spelling is a holdover from Chaucer’s homeland, Middle English. The pronunciation was reflected in the spelling. Many of these pronouns have evolved over time. The spelling, on the other hand, remained consistent. It is no longer used in British English pronunciation, just like the ‘ch’ sound in the Scottish word ‘loch.’

8. Confusing Idioms:

Idioms are another difficult subject to master. Idioms can be found in any language. It’s not intended to be taken literally. The term “she kicked the bucket” signifies “she died,” for example. All you need to know is the unit’s overall meaning. Other instances include ‘She leaped down my neck’ and ‘He hit the roof.’ The literal meaning isn’t the same as the exact wording. Idioms also include words that a language student may not grasp, such as ‘all of a sudden.’ There are tens of thousands of these in English. Idioms can be found in any language. English idioms are distinguished by their length, variety, and unpredictability. Non-native English speakers have a hard time understanding idioms. READ ALSO: 15 Easiest Languages To Learn For English Speakers

9. Using Plurals and Tenses Can Be Difficult:

Because there are so many different tenses to remember. Differentiating between future tense and future perfect can be challenging for an English learner. Learning is tough, not just when memorizing grammar rules from a text. But also when the speaker talks to the future in English discourse. Furthermore, there are various variances in how plurals are used in English. This is incorrect when it comes to nouns like mouse and ox when a non-native speaker learns to add -s to make a plural.

10. Synonyms Aren’t Always Synonymous:

If you browse through a thesaurus, you’ll notice that there are various sets of words that mean the same thing. You’d assume this meant they could be used interchangeably, but you’d be mistaken. Because English words can have a variety of meanings. Even terms with seemingly similar definitions might mean very different things. As a result, people may end up misusing a word. You’d “see a movie” or “watch television,” but never “see a television.” Another example is that you don’t say “I welcomed a gift” when you say “I received a gift.” Even if the two terms are similar, depending on the context, they may have completely different meanings.

11. Different Dialects:

All languages, we suppose, have regional dialects. People in the United Kingdom find it challenging to learn English because of the numerous regional dialects. There is a noticeable north/south distinction when pronouncing “bath” or “castle.” It’s a long “A” in the south and a short “A” in the north. And there’s a never-ending argument over whether ‘cone’ should be pronounced S-gone or S-cone. Of course, each English-speaking country has its own pronunciation style. Each country has its own manner of pronouncing words, such as the United States, Canada, Australia, and South Africa. This means that where you study English has a significant impact on how you pronounce words. Related Post: How To Learn English Speaking: 25 Tips That Work

Is English Really That Hard To Learn?

Although English is a difficult language to master. Other languages, such as Mandarin, Russian, and Japanese, are in the same boat. English is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world, with approximately 1.5 billion people speaking it at some point. And your commitment to learning about all of its complexity and differences will lead to numerous opportunities in the future. Learning English is difficult and complicated due to a number of variables. Learning its grammar structure, pronunciation, definitions, and norms is challenging. However, keep in mind that English speakers studying a foreign language are in a similar predicament. What matters is your ability to learn the fundamental rules and your willingness to do so. It has never been easier or more accessible to learn English than it is now. Finally, whether or not a language is difficult to learn depends on the individual. If you don’t care about the rules, learning English is a lot easier. Concentrate on native language information when reading and listening. The harder it is to learn English, the higher your language learning goals are. That’s all there is to it.

Simple Ways to Learn English Effectively

Here are the top 7 ways to learn English effectively:

1. Study phrases not words

You shouldn’t remember individual words when studying English, or any language for that matter, because memorizing them makes little sense without context. Instead, concentrate on studying entire phrases. It’s a lot easier to remember the meaning of words if you know what they signify and how they’re employed in a phrase.

2. Learn by listening

While textbooks can assist you in learning the English language, they should not be your primary source of information. Textbooks are fantastic for teaching grammar and vocabulary, but they aren’t always helpful when it comes to carrying on a conversation. Listening rather than reading is the best way to learn how to speak English. You’ll be able to learn useful vocabulary and grammar without even noticing it if you listen more.

3. Get a placement test

Before you begin any learning plan, you must first determine your present English proficiency level, as this will decide the type of program you should follow. For instance, if you’re looking for a unique way to express yourself, try If your English level is around Intermediate or lower, you’ll receive a comprehensive English curriculum, and if your level is Upper-Intermediate or higher, you’ll receive a personalized study plan.

4. Prioritise quality over quantity

It’s all about quality over quantity when it comes to learning any language. Rather than learning dozens of new words in a short period of time, concentrate on learning only one word and repeating it dozens of times. This keeps you from becoming overwhelmed by information. Furthermore, using this method assists you to store the meaning of words and phrases in your brain for longer. As a result, you’ll have a hard time forgetting them. READ ALSO: Best Ways To Learn Hebrew In 2021

5. With “point of view” stories, you can learn grammar

Listening to short stories given in multiple tenses is one of the finest ways to learn grammar. This will assist you in improving your English grammar in a more natural and effortless manner. If one narrative begins, “I don’t like bananas but want to eat one,” the second story should begin, “I didn’t like bananas but wanted to eat one.”

6. Listen and answer, not listen and repeat

If you want to enhance your English, don’t employ the “repeat after the speaker” technique that English textbooks recommend. Instead of mechanically repeating the speaker’s words or phrases, you should respond to inquiries. If you’re listening to a podcast or watching a video, for example, pause it every 20 to 30 seconds and write down a quick summary of what’s been stated.

7. Take an online lesson

There are a plethora of online courses available. A fast Google search will yield a list of training providers. However, if you rely solely on 1:1 Skype courses to progress, it might get rather costly. Supplementing your courses with an online self-study English program is one approach to saving money. Overall, adopting the online curriculum to supplement your existing lessons saves you more than half the expense.


Hundreds of millions of people all over the world study English. And English will become the third most learned native language in the world. Many of them, whether adults or children, enroll in an English-language course. English is usually recognized as one of the hardest languages to learn. It is difficult for both learners and native speakers due to its inconsistent spelling and difficult grammar. Learning a new language is tough in any event, because so much depends on your native tongue and how similar it is to your target tongue. It isn’t impossible simply because it is difficult.


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