The educational system is generally state-supported, to ensure that access to education is equal for all. This means that most institutions have no tuition fees. With such favorable conditions, you are almost expected to get a degree and experience liberal student life. Similarly, the high quality of Norwegian universities and university colleges have led to more and more international students choosing to study in Norway. Interestingly, certificates of Norway are recognized in other countries of the world. Bachelor’s degree in Norway takes three years to complete, Master’s degree takes two years and Ph.D., a further three years. Science International Scholarships at the University of Queensland in Australia, 2022

Level/Field of study:

This is a master’s level scholarship for students pursuing master’s degree programs in Universities in Norway. Entries from students doing their undergraduate studies or doctoral studies will not be considered.

Host Nationality:

The Master of Science International Scholarship is hosted and taken in Norway.

Eligible Nationality:

This scholarship opportunity is open to international students. This means that students from other countries can apply and be awarded this scholarship. This scholarship as the name implies is specifically packaged for students pursuing their master’s studies. Moreso, some Masters scholarships may include a one-off payment to help with living expenses in the first semester. The salary amount is determined after the evaluation for each candidate.

Below is the official scholarship site. You learn more about this opportunity using the given link. Yes! Students from other countries can apply and win this scholarship We have carefully listed out all the requirements you need to apply and win this scholarship. You may have to go back up to see it.