A petty baby daddy is someone who isn’t really interested in being a father to his child, but instead uses the child as a way to get back at their ex-partner. They can be pretty funny, but they’re also pretty frustrating. After all, these kids deserve better than a dad who is only interested in making their mom’s life miserable. If you know someone who is dealing with a petty baby daddy, be sure to offer them your support. And if you’re the one going through this yourself, know that you’re not alone! Here are a few quotes about being a petty baby daddy that prove just how true this is!

Petty Baby Daddy Quotes


In conclusion, these quotes are nothing but petty and immature. If you are looking for a serious relationship, then you should avoid dating someone who is speaking like this. Instead, look for someone who has a positive outlook on life and is willing to be in a committed relationship. You can Also Check out: Gender Reveal Quotes