Students must have a strong commitment to community service and an average in order to receive this scholarship.

About Carson Scholar Award

The Carson Scholars Fund, Inc. was founded in 1994 to address the education crisis in the United States. When now-retired world-renowned Johns Hopkins Pediatric Neurosurgeon Benjamin S. Carson, M.D. and his wife, Candy, read a research study about education in the United States, they were alarmed by the findings.
The Carson Scholars Fund supports two main initiatives: The Carson Scholars Program and The Ben Carson Reading Project. The Ben Carson Reading Project provides funding to schools to build and maintain Ben Carson Reading Rooms – warm, inviting rooms where children can discover the joy of independent leisure reading. The Carsons observed that many school display cases were filled with large trophies paying tribute to their sports teams’ achievements, while honor students only received a pin or certificate. Dr. and Mrs. Carson felt compelled to take action. They believed that if children could be taught early to excel, they would stay motivated and have a higher chance of educational success later in life. The Carson Scholars Fund was built on these principles. When the first scholarships were awarded In 1996, 25 deserving students were recognized as scholars. Through the generosity of our donors and partners, we are now able to award more than 500 scholarships annually.
In total, we have awarded more than 8,800 scholarships across the country. More than 3,000 Carson Scholars have been recognized for their academic and humanitarian achievements in multiple years.
Scholarship winners have attended more than 700 colleges and universities, and have received more than $6.4 million in scholarship funds to help finance their education. Learn more about our scholarship program. You can utilize these scholarship opportunities to solve most of your academics problems. Check out other scholarships you can apply for in 2021 to study in Europe, Africa, Asia, America, etc.

Who are the Ben Carson scholars?

The Carson Scholars are students in grades 4 through 11 who excel academically and are dedicated to serving their community.

Eligibility for the Ben Carson Scholarship

In order to apply for this scholarship, students must meet a range of selection criteria described on this website. First, each applicant must be enrolled in 4th grade through 11th grade.In addition, each candidate must attend a kindergarten through 12th grade, located somewhere in the US. Students must have an average score of 3.75 and show a strong commitment to volunteering in their community.  Students must obtain a person’s appointment at their school (ie, a director) to complete the application process. The nominator must complete the application form to initiate the application process.The next step in the application process is early fall when materials are distributed to schools. It is important to note that basically only one student per school can be nominated for this scholarship.

Who stands a better chance of benefitting from the Ben Carson’s Scholarship award?

The students who exhibit traits of excellence in their academics and possess an average cumulative grade point of 3.75 stand a great deal of chance to partake in this scheme.

Why was the Ben Carson Scholarship fund started?

It was started to address the education crisis in the United States by discovering promise and rewarding excellence.

How to apply for the Ben Carson Scholarship

To apply, applicants must fill the Application Request Form. Only school officials (teachers, counselors, principals) can request an application. Note: If your school has previously received application materials you do not need to request an application – you are already on our distribution list. The application form and the online application form will be available in mid-October. Schools have until December 21 to name a student.
All applications must be submitted by the student by the 6th of January together with the corresponding documents. Directors must review the application by mid-January. Finally, the students selected for this scholarship will be informed in March.
Students wishing additional timeline information can send an e-mail to the scholarship holder: More information can be found here. Read also if you wish to study outside your home country Simple and Detailed Answers about Applying and Winning a Scholarship. Aside from the Ben Carson Scholarships, there are other scholarships available to international students to study abroad. You can check our scholarship by country to access all scholarships available

The Ben Carson Scholarship 2021 Application Deadline

The nominated student must submit a full application by January 6th. A complete application includes a variety of different components. Students must provide information on all the charitable activities in which they have participated, a letter of recommendation, a test, a certificate, and detailed biographical information. Once the student has submitted his application, the applicant will be contacted to complete his or her part of the application. The students will be contacted in March to know the status of their application. All deadlines are at 8:00 p.m. Eastern time (5:00 p.m. Pacific time) October 15: Nomination Form Available December 13: Nomination deadline January 10, 2021: Application deadline (including teacher recommendation) January 15, 2021: Principal verification deadline March 2021: Notification to all applicants If you have any other questions, please contact the Scholarship Director, Lacey Richards, at The Carson Scholars Fund is comprised of a scholarship program and the Ben Carson Reading Project. Carson Scholarships are awarded to students in grades 4-11 who exemplify academic excellence and humanitarian qualities. Winners receive a $1,000 scholarship to go towards their college education. The reading project provides funding to build and maintain Ben Carson Reading Rooms-warm, inviting libraries where kids can escape into the world of books. Dr. Ben and Mrs. Carson started the Carson Scholars Fund in 1994 to address the education crisis in the United States. The first Carson Scholarships were awarded in 1996. There 25 scholars in that inaugural year from Maryland, Delaware, and the District of Columbia. The Ben Carson Reading Project was initiated in 2000. the first Reading Room was established at Hall’s Cross Roads Elementary School in Aberdeen, Maryland. The Agreement funding the scholarships restricts awards to the four colleges listed above. If you are a double major that includes one of the four colleges, you are eligible even if your other major is from a different college.


The Ben Carson Scholarship, having been created to help young students volunteer in their community, the scholarship has given more than 7,000 students a grant of $1,000 each to cover the cost of their higher education.


Editor’s Recommendation

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