After around a half-century, the game’s most astounding marks appear to be beyond our grasp, at least for the foreseeable future.  With Joe DiMaggio, Cal Ripken, and Nolan Ryan among the most famous names in baseball, no shortage of great records could survive the test of time in Major League Baseball.  This article will highlight the best record in college baseball history that seems unbreakable and unreachable.  Here is the best record in college baseball history.

What Is Baseball? 

Baseball is an outdoor sport in which two nine-player teams compete against one another on a diamond-shaped field with four bases.  In the US and Canada, it is mostly a warm-weather sport. When a member of the fielding team, known as the pitcher, delivers a ball for a member of the batting team to attempt to hit with a bat, play continues. Two opposing teams take turns batting and fielding in this bat-and-ball game.  One of the best things about baseball is the sights, sounds, and scents of the ballpark. Check this article out: 15 Best Colleges for Baseball Scholarships in 2022

What Are The Best Record In College Baseball History in 2023? 

Do you want to know more about the best record in college baseball? The top record  in college baseball include:

#1. Joe DiMaggio’s 56-game hitting streak

The epic hitting streak that the Yankee Clipper had in 1941 may go down as the most iconic and dominant run in the annals of baseball history.  During his hitting streak, DiMaggio had a batting average of 404 and accumulated 91 hits.  This streak was 11 games longer than the next closest consecutive games hitting streak of its kind.  Because of the increased use of specialized bullpen arms in modern baseball, it is less likely than it has ever been for a player to hit safely in as many as 40 consecutive games.  The last player to achieve this feat was Pete Rose in 1978. He holds the best record in college baseball history.  Official Website  Read this related article: Where Can I Watch College Baseball Online Free? | Full Guide

#2. Cal Ripken’s 2,632 consecutive games

Ripken didn’t miss a single baseball game from May 1982 through September 1998.  He first surpassed the previous record of 2,130 consecutive games set by Lou Gehrig, which had stood for 56 years, and then he surpassed that record by an additional 500 games.  Ripken is one of only six other players who have participated in more than 1,000 consecutive games.  It would take a player who had perfect attendance for 16 years and then played the part of a 17th year to beat Cal Ripken’s record for consecutive seasons played.  In the meantime, there is not a single active player who has played even 300 consecutive games.  He also holds the best  record in college baseball history.  Official Website  Check this article also: UA baseball coach tries to revoke scholarships

#3. Nolan Ryan’s 5,714 career strikeouts

Nolan Ryan is another player with the best record in college baseball history.  The sheer volume of strikeouts that Ryan racked up is incredible, and this is saying something in an era when striking out has become an increasingly important aspect of the game.  There were six seasons in which Ryan had at least 300 strikeouts and 15 seasons in which he had at least 200.  He has 839 more strikeouts than any other pitcher. In the meantime, in the past 20 years, only five pitchers have achieved the feat of reaching 300 strikeouts in a single season. Official Website  A highly recommended article: The American Legion Baseball Scholarship

#4. Nolan Ryan’s seven career no-hitters

A no-hitter is a single-game accomplishment for a pitcher that is second only to throwing a perfect game in terms of difficulty, and Ryan has accomplished this feat three times more than any other pitcher in the annals of baseball history.  In May of 1973, Ryan threw his first perfect game. Exactly two months later, he threw his second perfect game.  Ryan did not throw another perfect game until he was 44 years old when he threw his final perfect game.  Only four active pitchers have thrown at least two no-hitters in their careers, and only four other pitchers in the game have thrown three no-hitters, which is an incredible performance but pales compared to Ryan’s skill as a pitcher.  He holds the top record In college baseball history.  Official Website  Don’t skip this article: The 50 Best College Football Players of All Time | 2022 Ranking

#5. Nolan Ryan’s 2,795 walks

If there is one thing that can be stated about Ryan, it is that whatever he did, he did it to the fullest extent possible.  While he was renowned for his knack for striking out batters, he was also notorious for the frequency with which he issued bases on balls.  During his 27-year career, Ryan amassed more than 900 more walks than any other pitcher in the annals of baseball history.  It is a level of control that he was uniquely able to maintain because he was able to pitch himself out of his self-created jams all by himself.  It is quite doubtful that a pitcher with such control concerns would be permitted to remain in the rotation in today’s game since he would be moved to duty in the bullpen instead of being in the rotation.  This is another top record In college baseball history held by Nolan Ryan.  Official Website  This might help also: 17 Best Film Internship Position in 2022

#6. Johnny Vander Meer’s back-to-back no-hitters

With all due credit to Ryan’s collection of no-hit performances, even he was not able to accomplish this feat when pitching in consecutive games.  In 1938, Vander Meer posted back-to-back perfect games barely four days apart each time.  Since then, Max Scherzer has followed up a no-hitter with a one-hitter in 2015, and in 1990, Dave Stieb’s effort at an encore no-hitter was broken up in the ninth inning with two outs and a no-hitter in the books.  Ewell Blackwell had a streak of 17 consecutive innings in which he did not allow a hit throughout his two consecutive appearances, but he did not finish his second start.  Nobody has ever been able to match Vander Meer’s mastery in 1938, and the concept of matching the record with a third consecutive no-hitter is inconceivable. Official Website 

#7. Rickey Henderson’s all-time stolen base record

Since Henderson’s time, the game has become much less dependent on base running to produce runs.  As a result, the stolen base is quickly becoming a relic of the past. Even during his lifetime, Rickey was the outlier (in many respects), as he single-handedly rewrote the record book for stolen bases in an astounding manner.  To even come close to his 1,406 steals, which is 468 more than his closest all-time competition, Lou Brock, it would take an average of 70 steals per year for 20 years.  This would make it impossible to catch him. In contrast, only two players in the last ten years have achieved 70 steals in a single game.  Rickey also holds the best record in college baseball history. Official Website 

#8. Ted Williams’s .482 career on-base percentage

No one has ever reached base with the same level of consistency as Williams accomplished, and he is often considered the best hitter in baseball history, an honor he undoubtedly encouraged.  Twelve times, he had the highest on-base percentage in the American League.  Since Williams hung up his cleats in 1960, only four other players have had single-season on-base percentages that were higher than Williams’ 19-year career average. Official Website  Recommended article for you: The 50 Best College Football Coaches of All Time | 2022 Ranking

#9. Cy Young’s 511 wins, 749 complete games, and 316 losses

Although the majority of the accomplishments on this list are only relevant to baseball’s “modern age,” which begins after the year 1900, Young’s accomplishments are so remarkable that it would be in poor taste to leave them out.  His total wins, losses, and number of complete games all rank among the all-time best, which is a monument to his efficiency, durability, and the era in which he competed. To even have a chance at winning 500 games, a pitcher would have to win 25 games every year for 20 years on average.  Because of the proliferation of relievers in baseball, starting pitchers are taking credit for fewer and fewer decisions as the game progresses.  Over the past four decades, only three pitchers have ever reached that many wins once. Official Website  Read also: Top 21 Best College Football Running Backs of All Time | 2022 Ranking

#10. Walter Johnson’s 110 shutouts

He is 20 points better than any other pitcher in this statistic and has had 11 seasons with at least six shutouts.  It would take 25 years of averaging four shutouts a season to get within 10 of the Big Train’s record.  This is a measure of how strong a showing this is over an extended time.  Tom Seaver and Nolan Ryan are the only two players in the past fifty years who have tallied more than 61 innings pitched and come close to matching Randy Johnson’s record of 61 career shutouts.  He also holds the top record in college baseball history.  Official Website  Check this out also: Top 15 Best Defensive Coordinators in College Football in 2022

#11. Jack Taylor’s incredible run of endurance

Another top record In college baseball history is the one held by Jack Taylor.  At the turn of the century, no pitcher was more reliable than Taylor in terms of both showing up to work and putting in the necessary hours.  Between the years 1901 and 1906, he appeared in a total of 202 games without requiring the services of a relief pitcher.  Between the years 1901 and 1904, he was responsible for a total of 187 starts, all of which were completed without the assistance of a reliever. Official Website 

#12. Sam Crawford’s 309 triples

The triple is the most difficult hit to get in all of baseball, except for the extremely rare inside-the-park home run.  Crawford, who played for the Detroit Tigers from 1899 until 1917, made a habit out of getting triples.  He had four seasons in which he scored higher than 20, and 17 seasons in which he scored at least 10.  In the previous thirty years, only three players have had a single season in which they reached 20.  Consider how uncommon this is: Stan Musial is the only player to start his career after 1940 and come close to approaching this milestone, and his 177 are just a little more than half of what Crawford did. Official Website  A must- read article: The 25 Best College Football Teams of All-Time | 2022 Rankings

#13. Chief Wilson’s 36 triples in a season

Wilson established the mark in 1912 while playing for the Pittsburgh Pirates, and it has remained one of the most unreachable records in the game’s history.  To put this achievement into perspective, only two players in the last 100 years have come close to reaching 10, with Kiki Cuyler’s 26 triples in 1925 being the closest attempt.  Due to the rarity of reaching 20 in a single year in today’s game and the fact that just six players in the past fifty years have accomplished this feat. Official Website 

#14. Ty Cobb’s .367 career batting average

Cobb played in an age very different from today’s, which emphasized physical contact more than anything else.  Cobb’s expertise in piling up hits has not been matched since he played the game.  His lifetime batting average is still leagues ahead of the finest performance that any other batter has been able to muster throughout their career.  Even Ted Williams, whom many people regard as the best hitter who ever lived, finished 22 points behind the record.  Tony Gwynn, who is often regarded as the best hitter of the modern era of baseball, finished roughly 30 points behind Ty Cobb. He also has held the best record in college baseball history. Official Website 

#15. Wes Ferrell’s 37 home runs as an AL pitcher

This is a peculiar record that has been set purely since rule changes have rendered it practically impossible to beat, specifically because American League pitchers are no longer a part of the everyday lineup.  Wes Ferrell set a record for pitchers by hitting a total of 38 home runs in his career, including one hit while serving as a pinch hitter.  His 37 career home runs while playing for an American League team came in the days before the introduction of the designated hitter.  As the first two-way star in a very long time, the Angels rookie phenom Shohei Ohtani is racking up the strikeouts and home runs as he becomes the first two-way star in a very, very long time.  This may be the “unbreakable” record that is the most vulnerable to being broken on this entire list. Official Website 

#16. Hank Aaron’s 25 All-Star Games

In the days when there were two All-Star Games, one in the middle of summer and another at the end of the season, Hammerin’ Hank was a fixture in both of them.  Nevertheless, because All-Star games are currently only played once each year, this record may be maintained indefinitely. Official Website 

#17. Hank Aaron’s 6,856 career total bases

Aaron’s longtime reign as the all-time home run king was his primary claim to fame; however, this fact obscured the fact that he was much more than just a long ball hitter.  His main claim to fame was that he hit the most home runs in baseball history.  Aaron also has over 1,400 walks to his credit in addition to his record-setting home run total of 755.  Aaron ranks 10th in doubles with 624 and is third in hits with 3,771.  His overall number of bases is approximately 700 higher than his nearest competitor, Stan Musial, who has accumulated a total of bases. Official Website 

#18. Yankees’ 15 World Series appearances in 18 years

The New York Yankees are the most successful team in the history of major sports, and when they were at the height of their powers, it was unusual for there to be a World Series without at least one of their games in it.  From 1947 until 1964, the Yankees competed in the American League Championship Series 15 times out of 18 seasons and were victorious 10 times (including five consecutively).  With its ever-changing roster upkeep costs and player composition in the modern game, it is nearly difficult for a dynasty to remain intact for such a significant amount of time.  He also holds the best record in college baseball history.  Official Website 

#19. Boston Red Sox’s eight consecutive wins, postseason comeback in 2004

Boston is another player that held the top record in college baseball history.  Although it is not a record in the traditional sense, the fight back from the oblivion that the Red Sox of 2004 was able to accomplish is about as rare of an accomplishment as it is possible to get, given it has never happened before or after.  After falling behind the New York Yankees in the series 3-0 and being behind in the ninth inning of Game 4, the Red Sox staged a comeback to win the game and the ALCS as a whole by a score of 4-3.  They then went on to win the World Series in four straight games against the St. Louis Cardinals. Official Website 

#20. Barry Bonds’s 120 intentional walks in a season

The home run is where Bonds made his name in the record books, as he holds the record for the most home runs in a single season as well as in his whole career.  However, the most spectacular aspect of his performance is not the home run itself; rather, it is the lengths that his opponents went to prevent him from connecting for one.  In 2004, Bonds set a new record by walking a total of 232 times, with 120 of those walks being purposeful.  It was 52 more times than the single-season record for avoiding being caught that was previously held by Bonds, who also holds the top record In college baseball history.  He was passed over by more teams on purpose than any of the eight Major League Baseball teams during that season in total. Official Website 

#21. Fernando Tatis’ two grand slams in one inning

When a batter hits a grand slam, it’s the perfect ending to a productive inning for their side, but it’s the worst possible outcome for the pitcher.  It would be disheartening even if it happened just once, but for the same opponent to do it twice in the same inning would be a game-ending blow.  This astounding achievement was accomplished by Fernando Tatis in 1999 against the Los Angeles Dodgers, while he set the record for the most RBI in a single inning.  This accomplishment is astounding on its own, but the notion that it may be surpassed with a third slam is about as improbable as it gets. Official Website 


Here we have it! The top record In college baseball history. These records have been unbroken for many years.  We hope this article was helpful and insightful. 

References—The 9 winningest college baseball teams in NCAA history—Baseball records that will never be brokensyndication. bleachereport. com—Ranking the Most Unbreakable MLB Player Streaks and All-Time Consecutive Records


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